The Prodigal Father

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Jay blinked. He stared. Yet he still couldn't believe what he was seeing. Cliff Gordon, his biological father was standing on his doorstep with a big smile and sharp suit. He started to wonder if he should pinch himself. He had had dreams about this moment ever since he learned the legendary actor was his real father but he had given up hope of reuniting with his birth parents long ago. He knew what he was seeing, but his brain had trouble processing it. He looked past Cliff's shoulder and saw a fancy limo with a driver but no one else was there.

Why was Cliff here?

Where did he come from?

Was his mother here too?

How did he know Jay was here?

And why did he wait all these years to contact him?

"Is that really my boy, all grown up?" Cliff smiled, unaware of Jay's internal struggle, as his eyes looked the teen up and down in excitement and disbelief. Jay opened his mouth to speak, but the words died in his throat. What was he supposed to say?

Seeing his dilemma Edna approached and started rubbing Jay's back.

"Breathe, Jay." She said softly and held a glass of lemonade for him to drink. Jay didn't even acknowledge her or anyone else. He just kept staring at Cliff. As if suddenly realizing that other people were around, Cliff started to wonder if he had come at a bad time. He was about to ask that when with no warning the shocked look on Jay's turned to anger before he snatched the glass from Edna and threw the liquid at Cliff.

He cried out in shock when the cold beverage splashed on his face.

Everyone's mouths fell open in shock but Jay said nothing and slammed the gates in Cliff's face. Then he turned around and started sprinting deeper into the junkyard. Ed and Edna quickly chased after him, leaving the rest of the teens to stand there, wondering what had just happened. No one said or did anything until Zane moved to open the gates again. He knew that what Jay did was a spur-of-the-moment thing and that there was stuff that needed to be said between him and Cliff; so Zane was going to make sure the actor didn't take his exit yet.

When he opened the gates again Cliff was still there but he was a lot less happy.

"What kind of a place is this?!" He shouted as he wiped the drink off his face before it dripped onto his shirt. "Jay should learn some respect!"

"What were you expecting? A hug?!" Kai exclaimed in angry disbelief at this guy.

"What do you mean by that?!" Cliff glared at the brunette, to which Kai eagerly returned. Zane looked back and forth between them and knew this wasn't going to end well.

"Kai, why don't you and the others assist in finding Jay?" He said and Kai was going to argue but Cole and Nya practically dragged him away and the others followed. Cliff watched the group leave with a scowl. He could see where Jay got his attitude when he had friends like that. Once they were gone, Zane turned his attention back to Cliff. "Trust me, it's not typical for Jay to go for his guns first and ask questions later; he's a good person at heart, really he is."

"I should've never left him in this place," Cliff muttered under his breath, but Zane heard it and he frowned. He chose not to say anything, however, and reluctantly led Cliff inside and towards the trailer.

Zane could feel his insides twisting with an uneasy feeling during the short walk. He had no idea if he was doing the right thing letting Cliff into the junkyard, but he liked to think Jay would thank him for it. After all, when Jay was little he used to say his real father came back for him one day, and it seemed that day had finally come. Zane could only hope that that was a good thing...

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