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The principal sighed tiredly as he stood fidgety in the car park as he watched the council worker removing all the boards with a crowbar. Thanks to the protest and Lloyd falling off the roof, Ninjago High had been closed down for almost a month. All the windows and doors on the ground floor had been boarded up and no one had been inside since. Most of the teachers hosted online and video classes for most students such as Jay, Lloyd, Nya, and Zane to carry on with their studies.

Others had to find other sources of education.

Pixal and Harumi's parents paid to hire private tutors for their daughters. There was only a handful of students that were still sent to Granite Hills High. They were Morro, Chad, Maggie, and Kai. Chad and Maggie's parents didn't put up much of a fight. Morro's foster parents were worried if they did try and fight Social Services would think they didn't want to give him a proper education. The only ones who kicked up a fuss about the move were Kai and Nya's parents.

Their parents fought tooth and nail, but in the end, it was that or home school.

Sadly that was something they didn't have time for, despite how much they loved their twins. They considered sending Cole there as well but Lou refused to let that happen. Even if his relationship with Cole was strained, he didn't want Cole to attend a school that didn't allow music or dancing. Those were the two things he wanted his son to dedicate his life to, so he sent Cole somewhere else. Thankfully, after the investigation was finished, the school was allowed to re-open and all the students were returning today.

Including the ones moved to Granite Hills High.

Even Lloyd was coming out of the hospital today and it would be a few days before he returned to school. Misako told the principal that she would be bringing him in with her so they could discuss the future. Unfortunately, it wasn't all a happy ending for everyone. Koko was going to receive a disciplinary hearing and it didn't look like it would go in her favor. If it did end badly, the best Koko could hope for was to be fired. When he heard that Koko was getting a disciplinary hearing, the principal argued with the council, saying that since he was the principal and Koko's boss then it should be him that was punished.

But they said that because Koko knew and helped the students organize the protest, keeping it hidden from the principal, that she was more at fault.

"Nasty business." The worker suddenly said as he finished the boards.

"What?" The principal glared.

"A kid like that jumping off the roof; you were here, weren't you?" He asked and gave the educator a look that reminded him of those parasitic reporters.

"He didn't jump off the roof, he fell."

"That's not what it said in the papers." The man shrugged as he handed the principal the notepad full of papers that needed his signature.

"Well, you shouldn't believe what you read." The principal frowned in disapproval as he fished out a pen from his pocket.

"But he was up on the roof, though, wasn't he?" The man smirked. "That's a terrible thing, kids like that running wild?"

"Our young people do not run wild! They are decent, respectful, and extremely well-behaved." The principal snapped as he shoved the notepad back into the worker's chest. The man shrugged and was about to leave when they both heard a thud coming down the hall. They both shared a look and went to investigate. The man armed himself with his crowbar and the principal pulled out his phone, ready to call the police. They nervously walked up to one of the stairs and reached the door that led to the third floor of the school.

The principal shared a look with the worker and was about to open the door until it suddenly swung open and scared both men half to death.

That is until the principal saw it was just Cole Brookstone who had opened the door. The noirette was dressed in a black tank top and dark jeans and was holding some coffee in a takeaway. The principal hadn't seen Cole since the accident that got the school closed for a month. Cole's father had sent him to the Marty Oppenheimer Boarding School of Performing Arts in temporary placement. Lou was hoping that he would follow in his footsteps and become a dancer.

Wolves of Secrets 3: Family ValuesWhere stories live. Discover now