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When the sun rose that morning, everything was calm and quiet throughout the forest the wild pack had claimed as part of their territory. That is until a loud, painful-sounding howl erupted throughout the forest, scaring almost all the wildlife. As soon as she heard it, Skylor ran to follow the howl. She was joined by Acronix, Ash, Bolobo, Chamille, Garmadon, Gravis, and Griffin. They had been scared that a member of their pack had been injured or worse.

Instead, they found Kataru knelt on the ground near the river.

He was howling to the cold, cloudy morning sky with tears streaming down his face. Almost all his veins were black along with his sharp fingernails and his gums. He looked just seconds away from wolfing out.

"Kataru! Kataru, what's wrong?!" Skylor exclaimed as they all rushed to the boy's side.

"Akita's gone!" He sobbed to his leader and Skylor quickly sent everyone away, except for Chamille and Garmadon. "She wouldn't listen to me! I tried, but..."

"Why did she leave?" Skylor asked but at Kataru's glare, she understood. "Because I told her and the other cubs to read." She sighed in understanding and regret. Akita was one of the few children that openly disagreed with the way Skylor was leading the pack. She didn't like or want anything to do with the human world at all. She was furious when Skylor started making all the cubs and some of the adults take part in human reading and writing lessons.

Skylor had just shrugged this off as Akita being stubborn and that she would get over it.

She never once thought that Akita would run away. Unfortunately, it seemed that not everyone thought that way.

"Read human words! He told you some would see it as sacrilege!" Her brother snarled in pain and anger at the alpha, pointing at Garmadon. With that said he ran back to the camp, still sobbing and howling the whole way there. Garmadon gave Skylor an apologetic look before following Kataru to make sure he was alright, leaving her alone with Chamille. Skylor was so wrapped up in her guilt that she almost missed the purple-haired woman stepping up beside her.

"Akita didn't recognize her pack anymore; she's not the only one, either," Chamille commented with a faint smirk on her face. As soon as she heard this, Skylor wiped around and snarled right in Chamille's face.

"Careful, Chamille!" She warned as her eyes flashed yellow, but Chamille didn't seem affected.

"I'm only trying to help my leader, reporting the mood."

"If there's any bad feeling, it's because you've been spreading it." The red-haired woman growled but Chamille didn't say anything. She simply gave Skylor an amused look and began walking back to the camp, leaving Skylor alone in the forest...


After everyone had returned to the camp, Skylor had taken off into the forest to track down Akita. She wasn't going to let that cub just run away without a fight. Akita was a skilled hunter and fight and she could transform, but she was still a child and Skylor didn't feel it was right to let her leave. There were far too many dangers out there and without a pack to protect and support her Akita might not survive to see the next Spring. With that in her mind, Skylor was determined to track Akita down.

Using the power of Jōhō, Skylor was able to search the entire forest until she found the cub.

Akita was currently in wolf form and running to the West. She had a tattered sack that carried some of her clothes clenched in her jaws. As soon as she locked onto Akita's position, Skylor was ready to chase after her and drag her back home. As she was getting ready to run, however, she was suddenly tackled and pinned to the ground. She looked up and was ready to fight back against her attacker when she saw that it was Garmadon who was pinning her down.

Wolves of Secrets 3: Family ValuesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat