Grandfather of the Glaciers

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Zane sighed as he sat and watched the snowy world go by the car window. The world seemed so calm, peaceful, and tranquil and yet, Zane was anything but calm. He hadn't seen his grandfather in five whole years, and they were on their way to visit him now. Zane and his father felt guilty for that. Zane's mother died when he was four and both his parents were only children, so his grandfather had no other relatives to visit him. As the older wolf grew older Dr. Julien had offered to let him move in with them in Ninjago, but the old man refused.

He had built the house in Alaska with his bare hands when he was Zane's age.

He spent his entire marriage in that house. He raised his daughter in that house. His wife had spent her final days in that house. He would be damned if he wouldn't die in that house. Words couldn't describe how ecstatic Zane was right now. Zane and his father be spending this full moon with his maternal grandfather, at his house in Alaska. Well, it wasn't a house. It was more of a log mansion with a forest right next to it. It was like the log cabin version of Zane and Dr. Julien's house back in Ninjago.

It was all Dr. Julien's idea to come to Alaska for the weekend.

He said Zane needed to get away from everything going on in the city, like Skylor, Morro, and Terri Kiken. Pixal didn't seem too pleased to be going there. She still seemed pretty annoyed at Zane, and he didn't even know why. All he did was try to help. He saw how worried she was about studying, so he and Dr. Julien spoke to Borg and convinced him to let Pixal come with them to Alaska for a break. He sneaked a peek at her sitting next to him.

She too was looking out the window, but probably not thinking how excited she was to be going there.

They pulled down a small country lane, and in no time we were met with tall iron gates. The mansion was the most stunning thing Zane had ever seen. The front gardens were neatly trimmed, with two huge fountains on either side.

"This will all be yours one day Zane!" Dr. Julien said from the driver's seat as the two teens took in the sights. This was a fact Zane had been told about a few times, but he never really thought about it much. Pixal hadn't known and was surprised.

"What?" She asked as she glanced at him.

"Avalo has left the house, its contents, and the grounds to Zane in his will." Dr. Julien explained as they pulled up to the huge oak doors. A figure walked out of the doors and Zane wasted no time in jumping out of the car and running to meet his grandfather. White, shoulder-length hair and a white beard revealed an old, world-weary face. Clear gray eyes set lightly within their sockets, watch delightedly over the lands they had been living on for so long.

A scar reached from under the right eyebrow, running across the nose, and ended on his forehead left a painful burden of reclaimed honor.

This was Avalo Blizz, an old and wise werewolf. Pixal could tell right away that something was misleading about him. Perhaps it was his sensitivity or perhaps it was simply his sympathy, she didn't know. Nonetheless, people from the nearby village tended to ask him to tell them his stories while helping him out in any way they could. He wore a dark blue and white winter outfit with matching black boots. Hanging from his neck was a type of pendant that reminded Pixal of a dream catcher.

They greeted each other with a warm hug.

Avalo was either shorter than the last time Zane saw him or Zane was taller.

"I missed you," Avalo said as they pulled away.

"I have missed you too."

"You've grown."

"You haven't." Zane joked and the old man playfully smacked him on the arm.

"You still have that cheeky sense of humor, you little bugger!" He said and they both laughed as Dr. Julien came to greet him with Pixal.

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