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Skylor was beyond furious right now. She had just returned with the recent hunting team after successfully catching three hares, a buck deer, and a couple of squirrels. When she arrived back at her tent, however, she was lived to find the gifts her Ninjago City friends had given her were all missing. The card, her little radio, and the sketchbook were gone. She sniffed inside and around her tent, but there were so many different werewolves walking around it was impossible to track.

With no choice, she had to confront the pack.

Luckily she found her prime suspects all gathered around the tent where they stored their food, packing up their recent kills for later. A few other werewolves were standing around and Skylor knew they would hear what was about to come, but she didn't care.

"Who took it?!" She snarled, catching their attention, but none of them looked concerned. "The things I brought with me are gone! Which one of you took them?!"

"Like any of us would want your pathetic human things!" Neuro huffed and the other wild werewolves all looked back and forth between their alpha and the small group. Unfortunately, despite all their incredible powers, werewolves were not mindreaders so Skylor had no way of knowing who took her belongings unless they confessed.

"I want it all back by nightfall." She ordered and turned to leave. Sadly, it wouldn't be that easy for the young wild alpha.

"That's it?" Bolobo laughed at her action.

"Your father would have ripped limbs off till someone gave him a name," Jacob added and Skylor could feel her inner wolf trying to claw to the surface. But she refused to give the pack what they wanted. She knew they wanted her to lose control and prove to them that she was just as much of an animal as the rest of them.

"I'm not my father." She snarled, not turning around to face them.

"No, you're not." Tox agreed with a scoff.

"Chen would never stand for such defiance," Shade added with a spiteful smirk. Skylor wanted so badly to smack that grin off his face, but she knew that if she attacked a member of the pack with no evidence it would reflect badly on her. Barely holding in an enraged snarl, Skylor quickly retreated to her tent...


It was a couple of hours before Skylor was disturbed from her isolation. She was still in her tent, sniffing around in case there was anything she missed. Sadly, it seemed the culprit had either no scent, there was more than one, or they successfully used the pack's surrounding scents to mask their own. She was about ready to give up when Garmadon suddenly poked his head into the tent. He had been out collecting herbs in the fields when Skylor confronted the pack, but he soon heard about her outburst.

"It's all I've got left to remind me of my friends." She told him with a heavy sigh.

"The precious toilet roll?" He chuckled lightly.

"Not just that!" She snapped, but he could tell there was no real malice in it. "The goodbye card, my clockwork radio, the jelly beans... ok, I ate the jelly beans." She reluctantly admitted and Garmadon couldn't help but smile. "They took the sketchbook too." She added sadly and his smile dropped a little. With a faint sigh, he stepped further into the tent and sat across from her.

"They want to show that human things are a weakness." He told her, trying to sound considerate but also firm. "Shade is right, your father would not have stood for it." He replied, but Skylor shook her head.

"I won't rule by fear." She insisted.

"If you don't punish someone for this, you won't rule at all." He replied, trying to make her see reason. He knew she wanted the pack to change and that she didn't want to be a tyrant like her father, but there was a difference between being a dictator and being making sure they understood your power. Before either of them could say anything else, however, they both caught the scent of a pack member outside the tent. They were standing outside, waiting for permission to enter.

Wolves of Secrets 3: Family ValuesWhere stories live. Discover now