Alpha Material

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Lloyd yawned loudly as he began the long, boring walk to school. He hadn't slept at all last night. After news about Dr. Kiken spread through the pack everyone was on high alert and Lloyd doubted anyone had gotten any sleep from all the group messages he found this morning. Cole and Jay were relieved that it was all finally over and they could stop looking over their shoulders now.

Harumi was worried about her father finding out about the doctor being back, but thankfully, it seemed that he was still in the dark.

Kai, Morro, and Nya also didn't like the idea of that woman still out there. Out of all of them, those three knew firsthand what she was capable of when she wanted something. Pixal was choosing to stay out of this. She was too busy to reassure Zane after his close encounter with the mad doctor. According to Pixal, Zane was a nervous wreck and although she and his father tried to convince him to take a day off school he insisted on going.

Lloyd wished he could take the day off school.

Unfortunately, before they left, his mother and uncle kicked him out this morning. After finding out that the White Wolf Corporation had sold out their secrets for Kiken's silence the adults were pissed and wanted a meeting. If Kiken thought that she could stalk, harass, and terrorize their children and walk away with everything she ever wanted then she was sorely mistaken.

As far as the public was concerned she was still a delusional scientist.

All they had to do was file a police report against her and she would be going to prison. Nobody wanted to go through all that, however. As much as they hated her, their parents didn't want them to have to deal with the police or the courts or anything like that. So, to put everyone at ease, the White Wolf Corporation agreed to a meeting with the parents, Dr. Kiken, and the legal team.

Ray and Maya were going as they were familiar with White Wolf Corporation and how they operated.

Dr. Julien insisted on being present as it was his son that she tried to abduct. As the unofficial leaders of their pack, Misako and Master Wu also went to attend the meeting. They probably wouldn't be back until tonight at the earliest. That gave Lloyd a free day off from his mother and her nagging about college. Lloyd had nothing planned tonight except a relaxing movie night and a peaceful night's sleep.

That is until a familiar, unwelcome scent invaded his space.

He stopped in his tracks and began looking around, knowing that he was being watched. Suddenly Krux and Acronix jumped into the trail in front of him. The three werewolves were all standing there, staring at each other. None of them made a move or a sound. Finally, Lloyd made to break the tension, but before he could his sense of smell was assaulted by the horrid scent of blood.

"Come! Now!" Acronix suddenly shouted and he and his twin took off back into the forest. Lloyd was stunned for a second. A part of him wanted to run back home and call his pack for assistance, but the metallic scent of blood was still burning deep in his nose. The wild werewolves hated the human world and would never come here willingly, so they must be here for a reason.

Steeling his nerves, Lloyd chased after them.

He quickly found them and something else. He was horrified to find his father crouched over a pale and shaking Skylor. A glance over showed Lloyd that the blood he smelled earlier was hers.

"Dad! What's happened?!" He cried as he rushed towards them.

"She's been shot," Garmaddon replied as Skylor let out a weak groan. Thinking quickly, Lloyd instructed the three adults to carry her back to the house. "A traveler was on our territory and he came looking for us with a gun; Skylor took wolf form to lead him away but she wasn't quick enough," Garmaddon explained as they carefully carried the injured alpha back to the house.

Wolves of Secrets 3: Family ValuesWhere stories live. Discover now