Who's Afraid Of The Big Bad Wolf?

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Garmadon exhaled tiredly as he finished another load of laundry. Now he and Skylor were staying in Ninjago City he had to re-learn how to be human. Luckily for him, things like doing laundry, cooking, using electronics, and other household chores and items were like riding a bike; you never forgot how to do it. His only real problem was learning how to control his inner wolf again. Sometimes he could feel it crawling up to the surface and had to remind himself to prevent it. He wasn't perfect in managing it. On his first day, he almost attacked a poor postman delivering letters to their new address but managed to contain the wolf and pass it off as a nasty cold.

Thanks to the pack's connections, the wild pair had a chance at this life now.

Thankfully Garmadon already had a life in Ninjago City before he went wild and the fake information they had already made Skylor meant it wasn't too difficult to set things up. Garmadon and Skylor now had passports, social security cards, birth certificates, and bank accounts, and the Old Finnigan House was now listed as Garmadon's. Skylor was also reinstated into Ninjago High. She was supposed to be in today but he and the other adults decided it would be best to wait until after the full moon tonight. Something was different about her; Garmadon could feel it. He had felt it since Shade revealed the pack had abandoned them. There was something rotten about her now. He could almost smell it on her. Sadly, he knew what this was and his brother confirmed his suspicions last night.

Suddenly footsteps were stomping down the stairs and he saw Skylor walking into the kitchen. Normally he wouldn't mind so much, but his eyes narrowed when he saw the backpack slung over her shoulder.

"What are you doing?"

Skylor shot him a nasty glare as she opened the fridge. "Going to school."

"What? On the full moon?"

"Why not? The others are going, aren't they?"

"Yes, but none of them are a..."

"What? A morwal?" She snarled as she whipped around to face him. Garmadon couldn't stop himself from taking a cautious step back. "I heard you and your brother talking about it and I'm not going to wolf out in school if that's what you mean." She scoffed loudly. "You're not my father, I'm your Alpha; remember that."

"I've been abandoned, too, Skylor." He reminded her and she turned away. "If you cannot stay home for your own sake, then stay for mine, please?" He pleaded but she growled and in an instant she was in his face, her eyes burning bright and her fangs showing.

"You want to stay? Get a job! Unless you want us to starve!" She roared, gesturing to the empty fridge.

"I can't get a job."

"Then leave, like the rest of them! Or be Lloyd's father for a change, and stop telling me what to do!" She screeched before suddenly shoving him into the wall with enough force to knock the air out of his lungs. With a grunt of pain, Garmadon stood up and was about to chastise her but he saw she was gone. A second later he heard the front door slamming shut. With a heavy sigh, Garmadon went to make himself breakfast but quickly realized they had little to no food whatsoever.

Maybe Skylor was onto something about him getting a job...


Cole was starting to regret coming to school today. Between the fact he hadn't studied for a test today, Jay twittering away in his ear about his upcoming birthday, Kai's constant flirting despite Cole repeatedly telling him he wasn't in the mood, and now being forced to sit in an uncomfortable chair in a cold assembly watching as the school did a small press event for the recovered artifacts. After Skylor received the news that she had no pack and rejected the items Pixal took them and turned them in with Dareth and his items. The school board saw this as a great opportunity. So now Pixal, Zane, and Dareth stood in front of a table displaying all the items with the principal on one side of them and a member of the historical society from the museum on the other with a giant cheque between them as they all smiled for the camera.

Wolves of Secrets 3: Family ValuesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang