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Tox growled with Shade and Jacob by her side as they stared down the large hill where a human man and his daughter had set up camp. The man was getting things out of a camper van and smiling as his kid happily gathered sticks for a fire. They had been looking forward to this trip all year. The man was sure to choose a campsite like this. It had direct access to fun features such as rocks, trees, and creeks, and there was water flowing nearby that could be a bonus to their stay.

It also seemed like a good spot for fishing.

Both humans were completely unaware of the danger they were in. They didn't know that they had stopped almost right next door to where the pack lived. They didn't even realize that three werewolves were staring daggers at them from the trees. Shade and Jacob looked back at Tox, wondering what she wanted to do since she was the one who dragged them out here in the first place.

"They've invaded our territory; there's no choice." Tox snarled and they moved to charge when something suddenly grabbed her. Tox turned with a snarl, intending to attack, but froze when she saw Skylor glaring down at her. With a vicious growl, all three werewolves ducked submissively and quickly scurried away from their alpha. Once they were gone, Skylor looked down at the camper van.

She sighed in relief when they showed no signs that they knew what happened.

The last thing the pack needed was two humans finding out about them. Skylor headed back to the pack's hideout to make things very clear to the others. When she arrived she called a meeting of the entire pack.

"They are two humans! Just two!" She exclaimed loudly. "For that are we gonna risk everything we've built here?"

"More will come," Camille warned and the others murmured in agreement.

"Humans aren't our enemy." Skylor reminded them. "We don't have to be ashamed of who we are; we are werewolves and we always will be, but now it's time to grow up, so let them be and they will move on soon enough." She assured them, and with that the meeting ended and the pack dispersed. As everyone left, Skylor saw Garmaddon smiling at her. "Pretty good, right?"

"Getting there." He grinned before he headed off to do his chores...


The man hummed a little song to himself as he looked for a decent spot to fish for their dinner. He wanted to take her with him, but he wanted to make sure that it was safe before he let her go too far from the protection of the van. As far as he knew there were no bears in these woods, but it was better to be safe than sorry, especially with his kid. He had made sure to pack a gun just in case.

He had heard some nature freaks yelling about monsters in this forest.

But those were just some ramblings of weird hippies. He didn't want to scare her, however, and didn't explain this. He hoped a big fish dinner would be a worthy apology. If not he could always use the gun and hunt some deer to get them some venison. As he walked along the river, he thought that maybe he found the perfect. As he set up for an afternoon of fishing, however, he paused when he saw something in the mud.

Several large paw prints were imprinted perfectly in the mud.

At first, he thought that maybe another family was camping around here with a dog. But when he examined the paw prints more closely, he saw that they were far larger than any dog he knew of. Suddenly feeling like he was being watched, the man whipped around frantically but saw nobody there. He was starting to wish he had brought his gun instead of leaving it back at the camper van.

Meanwhile, the girl sighed in boredom as she wandered around, waiting for her dad to come back from his fishing trip.

She had asked to come with him to catch some fish, but he refused. This was not what she was expecting out here. When he offered to take her camping with him she had been expecting hiking, searching for different plants, birds, and animals, spelunking, geocaching, fishing, and s'mores. Not sitting around the van doing nothing. A twig suddenly snapped, shattering the silence around her.

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