Ulterior Motives

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It all started as another day at Ninjago High. The bell rang and everyone ran to class. The pack couldn't have predicted how things would spiral in a day. By some stroke of luck, that day the whole pack was in the same science class for the day. Unfortunately, the fact that they were all in the same class didn't lift their mood. It was a long, fun weekend and now they were all mentally fried.

Not the best way to start school on Monday morning.

Cole sighed as drummed his fingers against his desk in boredom. Class had started a few minutes ago but the teacher had yet to arrive. That seemed to be the free pass for the rest of the class to talk with their friends, mess with their phones, and just goof around. The large teen sighed loudly again and looked at his friends. Harumi and Kai looked like they were seconds away from falling asleep.

Jay was playing a game on his phone, ignoring the world.

Lloyd was texting on his phone, probably messaging Misako. Morro was busy doodling little drawings in his notebook, but Cole couldn't see what he was drawing. Seven was staring out at the window, in her head. Nya, Pixal, and Zane looked like they were the only ones looking forward to the class. Cole smiled as he watched Zane talk with Pixal about what they might be learning today.

Zane had been in therapy for a couple of weeks now and, although not a hundred percent, he was getting better.

He still jumped slightly at loud bangs and any mention of pouching and hunting. Kai was the same after his leg got caught in that trap. Suddenly the teacher walked in and like flicking a switch the entire class fell silent and everyone scurried to their seats.

"Alright class, we have a special guest today." The teacher smiled and opened the door to let the guest in. The werewolves were shocked when a familiar face walked in. "This is Seliel Katana from the White Wolf Corporation; welcome Miss Katana." He greeted as he and Seliel shook hands. She looked over the class, making a point to make eye contact with the werewolf teens.

The last time they saw her was when she was at the Careers Day.

None of them had told Pixal or Harumi about it because they didn't think it was important.

"Thank you, sir, a few students here already know me from the Careers Day and it's a pleasure to meet you all." She said kindly. "I'm here to educate you all on the White Wolf Corporation and our work in developing cures in science and medicine." She added and set up a PowerPoint about her workplace. The rest of the lesson went without incident as Seliel did most of the talking.

Only a few students, mainly Pixal, asked her any questions.

Probably because she was one of the few who understood what she was talking about. Soon the bell rang and class was dismissed. The pack all but ran from the class, with only Pixal remaining to ask Seliel some more questions. She met up with the others, Kai, Nya, Seven, and Jay, and went to their next classes. The rest of them had the next period free so they could talk.

As Pixal approached them, she saw how they all, besides Harumi, looked nervous.

When the two humans questioned what was going on, they told them everything. To say they were pleasantly surprised was an understatement.

"Werewolf Incorporated?! That's so cool!" Harumi exclaimed as her mind was suddenly flooded with images of private jets, sharp suits, and spy movies.

"And they have a big science division? Imagine the research they are doing!" Pixal all but squealed in delight. "This is amazing! It's perfect for me!"

"Er, they're probably not recruiting anyone, let alone a teenager." Cole pointed out.

"We will!" Pixal huffed and marched back into the school. Everyone shared a nervous look and followed her. They followed her until she found Seliel alone in the staff parking lot. Before anyone could say anything, Pixal thrust her hand into her face. "Hi there, Pixal Borg."

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