Three's A Crowd

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NOTES: This... took... FOREVER to complete! And I'm sorry that it's super long. I did consider splitting it up into two parts but I wasn't sure so, again, I'm sorry if some of you don't want to read such a long chapter and I'm sorry it took so long to write. Things kept coming up and when I did find time to write I was hit with writer's block for this and most of my other stories.

I know that this chapter is very long and I hope you enjoy it and are not too mad about the delay.


Cole groaned loudly, stretching his muscles, as he and Kai walked down the streets toward his apartment. It would be a full moon tomorrow night and the teen pack was growing anxious as the pull of the full moon grew stronger with every passing hour. The only good thing was that it was Friday, and the full moon would be on a Saturday night. Everyone had their plans for the whole moon night.

Jay would be at his parents' junkyard, as always, but he wasn't the only one there.

At Ed and Edna's insistence, both Harumi and Pixal were spending the night at the junkyard. When Jay asked them why Edna said that they were humans and had more experience with all this werewolf stuff, Edna just wanted Pixal and Harumi to know they could come to the Walkers for support and advice they were too awkward to ask their boyfriends. Nya was going to be going to Lloyd's house with his family, despite Kai's insistence that she spent the full moon at Zane's like he, Cole, and Morro did every month.

Pixal had asked Zane recently what the difference was between what the boys did compared to wild werewolves.

Her boyfriend had quickly explained that they, like most werewolves, tried to live normally and locked themselves away during a full moon. Some who owned many lands that posed no risk of humans stumbling around spent a full moon on their land. Wild werewolves were notorious for their harsh ways and vicious nature and were said to kill humans and tame werewolves indiscriminately.

They also refused to have anything to do with the human world like cars, modern medicine, and refrigeration.

Talks about wild werewolves had Cole thinking about Skylor. None of them had heard anything since she returned to be the leader of the wild pack. She had left with the promise to teach her pack the pros of the human world, and the teens could only hope that she would be successful. Even though he and Skylor hadn't been very close, Cole still considered her a friend and hoped she was alright.

As soon as they entered the apartment, Cole tossed his bag and jacket on the couch, but as soon as he did Lou appeared out of seemingly nowhere and pounced.

"Hey! Put your stuff away!" He ordered harshly as he grabbed Cole's stuff off the couch and threw it back at him. "Your grandfather's going to be here any minute and I don't want him to think we live like animals." He frowned as he continued to fuss and clean throughout the apartment. Cole almost hit himself when he suddenly remembered. His maternal grandfather was coming over to visit for the weekend.

Cole hadn't seen his grandpa Richard since he was very little at his mother's funeral.

He and Richard used to be close, but Richard left to travel the world after Lily's death. They still kept in contact with letters, but it wasn't the same for Cole. The noirette teen and his boyfriend gathered up his things and made to head upstairs when Lou stopped them.

"Oh, the school called to arrange a meeting to discuss your college options; I said you would call them back."

"But I haven't decided if I wanna go to college," Cole admitted, only to regret it almost immediately when Lou whipped around to face them.

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