Life Lessons Part 1

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AUTHOR'S NOTES: Hi everyone! It's been a while right? 😅 I just wanted to say that this chapter was originally going to be longer but was getting worried that it was too long so it had been split into two parts. I'm also very sorry if this chapter might seem a little rushed and not up to my usual quality. Somethings have been happening at home and as a result, I've had to step away from my stories for a while so I'm not really in the usual rhythm of things yet.

On that note, a few of you have been asking me to update my "Club of Flaming Passion Story".

I understand that everyone wants an update for the club of flaming passion but I'm afraid that I'm having some serious writer's block on that story so I'm waiting for the inspiration to return before I start writing another chapter. I want to update that story soon but I don't want to put some rubbish, half thought-out piece together and dump it for people to read if that makes sense.

I hope you understand and I will try and update that story soon.

Right, I think that's all I have for notes and I hope you enjoy this new chapter!


Lloyd panted heavily as he ran to school. He had slept through his alarm, again, but this time Misako refused to drive him to school. She and Uncle Wu reminded him that he was getting older now, so he couldn't keep relying on them to solve the little problems in his life. The teen knew they were right, but that didn't make it hurt any less. That was one of the many reasons he hadn't told them the reason why he was sleeping through his alarm clock.

He kept staying up late, worrying about the future.

Lloyd was terrified that he and his friends would all drift apart after high school when they all move on with their lives. He didn't want to lose his pack, but he knew it wouldn't be right to trying and make them stay in Ninjago City if it wasn't what they wanted. Soon he was faced with the school on the street across from him. He could see and hear the other students as they arrived. Many were pouring out of the crowded school buses. Some were saying goodbye to their relatives that had dropped them off.

A few were parking their vehicles around the school.

When he focused his senses, Lloyd could see and hear his friends hanging out on the school steps waiting for him before school started. Lloyd sighed and was about to cross the street when he suddenly got the uncomfortable feeling that he was being watched. He turned his head to the buildings behind him, but even with his enhanced senses, he couldn't tell if someone was watching him. There were just too many windows and too many people.

All of a sudden, there was the loud sound of tires screeching to a halt and the blasting of a car horn flooded his ears.

Lloyd's heart jumped into his throat when he realized he had subconsciously started crossing the street as a car was coming. Thankfully, the driver of the car slammed on the breaks just in the nick of time before Lloyd became roadkill. Almost all the students were gathered on the streets, watching Lloyd with wide, scared eyes. For a split second, Lloyd was worried the fright had caused his yellow wolf eyes to show, but one look at his reflection showed that that wasn't the case.

He could tell that the driver was livid, but that was the least of Lloyd's worries right now.

Keeping his head down, Lloyd bolted through the crowd and into the school without saying anything to anyone...


Lloyd sighed as he finished unpacking his old backpack and gathering everything he needed from his locker for his first class. He had Health Sciences with Kai, Jay, Nya, and Cole. Rumor had it that their teacher, Mr. Panton had a special lesson planned for the class. Lloyd knew that whatever they were assigned, Kai would probably try and trick Zane into doing it for him. He would probably succeed too if Pixal and Nya didn't intervene. Lloyd almost laughed at that thought.

Wolves of Secrets 3: Family ValuesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant