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Skylor frowned as she vigorously scrubbed the blanket clean by the river. Herself and Shade volunteered to clean the clothes and blankets for the day and after they were given almost a dozen baskets of dirty laundry they headed down to the river. Yet she was quickly finding the task slow and boring. As the blanket was soaking, she glanced up. She saw Shade scowling in a focused manner as he squeezed the water out of a shirt before dumping it in the basket.

Feeling a bit bored and a little mischievous, Skylor smirked and suddenly flicked some water at him.

Shade jumped from the sudden sensation and Skylor laughed before repeating the action. The two then started splashing each other as if they were cubs. The only stopped when Ash approached them with an annoyed look on his face. He had a deer carcass over his shoulder from a successful hunt. They would all be eating well tonight.

"Still feeling clever that you cheated the Gods?" He glared at the red-haired alpha.

"If that's what you wanna call it, then yeah." She smirked triumphantly.

"Pity Kataru wasn't so lucky." He snarled and Skylor's smirk suddenly dropped. Without another word, she bolted from the river and headed straight for the healer's tent. When she ripped the covers back, she was horrified to see Kataru in an even worse state than he was before. He honestly looked like he was dying. Mystake and Garmadon were there tending to the young boy.

"I thought he was getting better." Skylor hissed as she rubbed Kataru's scalding forehead with a damp cloth as he whined and shifted around in clear distress.

"It's come back," Mystake growled as she desperately tried mixing her potions. "I have tried every remedy, but he's burning up."

"Ok, but that's just the body's way of fighting infection," Skylor said, remembering back to what she learned back at Ninjago High. Sadly, not everyone was convinced.

"A high fever can kill a werewolf; I've seen it happen," Mystake warned and Skylor couldn't deny that that was true. High fevers that were a hundred and three degrees or above could be fatal and needed immediate medical attention. It was not a quick death either. If it rose too far, the cells began to die, releasing proteins into the blood that could damage the kidneys and other organs, resulting in their failure. The exact temperature that this happened at depended on the source of a person's fever as well as other factors.

Skylor wished that they had a thermometer or something.

Unfortunately, they were in the middle of the forest and too far from modern immediate medical attention. Not to mention the lack of sanitized products they were using like the rags and bowls were not helping Kataru's chances. With that in mind, Skylor made her final decision.

"Then he needs medicine."

"I told you I've tried everything." Mystake snapped as she gestured to the empty vials they had been using.

"No, HUMAN medicine." She argued and an uncomfortable silence filled the tent.

"But we have never used human medicine before." Garmadon eventually said cautiously. He was raised in the human world so he knew that things like all the vaccines, medicines, hospitals, and doctors were researched and very effective. But he also knew the risks of bringing this to the humans. If Skylor started asking a pharmacist or nurse for something to combat Kataru's symptoms they might get suspicious. They could track the wild pack down.

If they saw how the pack was living and that they had children with them, a human might get the wrong idea and take the cubs away.

"Do you wanna do what we've always done? Or do you want him to live?" She snarled and when neither of them said anything, she took that as acceptance and left to inform the pack. They all gathered around as Skylor made her announcement. Sadly, not everyone was so quick to follow their leader. "I'll say it again: I'm going to get something to bring down Kataru's temperature and I want three of you to come with me to see how easy it is; or are you so afraid of humans?" She frowned and they all snarled and growled in the offense.

Wolves of Secrets 3: Family ValuesWhere stories live. Discover now