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Ray sighed heavily and in slight frustration as he read through yet another article online about an entitled Karen complaining about the rating systems for children's media. She had rented an old animated movie about a group of cute, little bunnies traveling across the British countryside to find a new home for her four-year-old daughter. But according to the mother, not even fifteen minutes in the movie showed these poor bunnies being butchered and killed, blood and all.

The rating on this movie was rated as a PG movie.

A PG-rated film meant that parental guidance was suggested for children watching the content. Parents should decide if the children should see the movie or recommend parental guidance. Films with this rating could have some violence, mild language, and brief nudity. When he read this, he saw that this movie was not appropriate for a child as young as four. Ray believed that the mother should have checked the movie first before she put it on for her daughter.

When Kai and Nya were little Maya always made sure to watch any movies and TV shows.

She always said that she was making sure they were appropriate for their children before she let them watch them, but Ray suspected that she enjoyed those fun animated children's movies and the many songs that came with them. He could understand the reasoning for his wife's actions. He wouldn't want a small child to accidentally stumble across a porno or a gore horror scene. Yet he didn't believe that stricter ratings were the correct answer.

When Ray was a kid all he wanted to do was sneak into R-rated movies behind his parents' backs.

In his naive mind, R stood for 'Ridiculously Good'. He never did manage to get in and the one day his parents found out was one of the worst days of his life. Nowadays there were warnings and ratings on everything from video games, music, booze, and cigarettes. Most parents thought that these warnings would keep their kids away from all these bad things. But actually, it was like sending up a flare, telling them where all the good stuff was.

In his opinion, it wasn't the ratings or the content creators that were the problems, it was all up to the parents.

They needed to keep a closer eye on their young children and what they were being exposed to. A light humming suddenly caught his attention and he looked up to see Maya mopping in the kitchen with her earbuds in. He was thankful things were fine between them now. It had been almost a week since the disastrous dinner with Luana and her boyfriend and things had started to calm down. The day after the dinner, Maya called her mother and started to smooth things over.

By the end of the call, Luana was happily talking to her daughter again.

Yet she made it clear that her son-in-law had a lot of work to do to get back into her good graces. Luckily for him, Kai and Nya were more forgiving than their grandmother. Although Ray had to apologize to them along with Cole and Jay, he was just thankful they were still speaking to him. Speaking of his children, Ray saw his son walking past and getting his jacket on to leave.

"Hey, where you off to?" He asked the teen.

"I'm meeting Cole, we're going to the movies, and his dad said he could stay over tonight." He replied as he got his shoes on.

"Okay, just be home on time." Maya smiled as she finished mopping.

"I will, he needs to call his dad here by eleven, it's the only way he's letting him stay over."

"He doesn't trust him, huh?" Maya chuckled lightly.

"No, actually he doesn't trust you two," Kai replied without thinking and froze the second he realized what he said.

"What? Why not?" Ray asked with a light glare and Kai knew there was no backing out of it now.

"I... guess Lou thinks that you and Mom aren't exactly the best parents." The brunette admitted nervously.

Wolves of Secrets 3: Family ValuesWhere stories live. Discover now