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I might not know how to play cards, but with this hand it would be almost impossible to lose.

I had the cause of the containment breaches on my side.

But I couldn't play very aggressively either, because as strong as this monster is, it was still captured by the foundation, somehow..

Nor would it be wise to stay here, they could easily refill this room with chemicals and acids and lock us inside.

I just wanted to get home, how long had it been?
I was starving.

I could swear a day has passed, but since they took me here I haven't seen a clock anywhere.

I instinctively tried putting my hands in my pockets looking for my phone, but the uniform they made me wear didn't have pockets.

(My cellphone!)

-One moment! -I shouted to the scientist behind the soldiers.


-About the cell phone that was taken from me...

-The device infected with 1471?

-T-That one!
-Could you...
-Give it back t--

-Ahem, a-at least not yet, the analysis have not been completed. -He said, trying to reach the soldiers who had already left the chamber.

(One moment...)

-If the tests are not completed...
-Then how do you know my phone is infected with 1471!

A co-worker told me!

-And when was that?

-About a week ago...?

Without saying anything, the anomaly got up and ran towards the scientist, it's tail still clinging to my arm.

Half running, half dragging, it pulled me towards the frightened scientist.

-Confess. -Said the frightening voice of the lizard as I got up from the ground.

-I-I swear! -he said, shaking from head to toe.
Showing his teeth, 682 took a step toward the subject.

-OK, OK!
-It's dismantled and stored in the storage area in light containment! -He said, covering his hands with his face.

-I could bring it to you, if you wan--

-No. -He was interrupted by 682
-Humans like you are unreliable.
-We will go up and find it. -It said without hesitation.

-(Wait... WHAT?!)
-(Do you expect me to walk through the whole foundation with a dislocated or maybe broken ankle?!)

-I-I can't walk that far!
-You twisted my ankle, remember!? -I said trying to calm the anomaly down.


A second later the soldiers rushed in once again  when they realized the scientist was still there with us.

-What's going on here?

-The...kid and... six eight two have agreed to come with us...

Obviously no one liked the idea, but no one could object to an overgrown lizard which could eat all of us whole without blinking twice.


Stumbling through the corridors, following 682 and the rest of the soldiers was not the best of experiences.

-Ow ,ow, ow!

Every step I took with my foot hurt more and more, I couldn't even walk!
I couldn't jump on one foot either...


-Could you stop squealing?! -exclaimed one of the soldiers.

-Would you rather carry me on your back!? -I shouted angrily.

-You are a man, not a baby.

I was about to answer back when 682 spoke again.

-It's becoming very difficult for me to keep up with my part of the bargain. -It said, stopping on its tracks.

-It's okay..
-I can still walk. -I said, trying not to anger the anomaly.

-That swollen ankle says otherwise, my friend. -A doctor chimed in.

-We're not stopping for him.

I felt the tail of 682 grab me by the arm and make me tumble into it's rotting body.

The fur that covered most of his body smelled strongly of sulfur and nose burning chemicals.
I felt another tug and he pulled me up onto it's back.


-No-No-No, I can walk on my own.
-I'm fine.

I tried to get off but it wouldn't let go.

-Your human weaknesses won't slow us down. -It answered coldly.


From now on the chapters will be a bit longer, i don't know why most of my earliest chapters had only 600+ words.

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