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I couldn't open my eyes, my head hurt just by thinking.

What happened?

I tried retracing my steps but that made everything even more confusing...
Little by little I was able to sit up, but still my head seemed like it was about to split in two.

--easure the doses! A distant voice shouted.

Then I heard a door close and footsteps towards me.

-You're awake! What a relief. Said the same female voice.

I tried to open my eyes but I could only see blurred figures.

Scared I got up and jumped out of bed but my legs gave up on me and I fell to the floor with a strong thud.

-Be careful-! She said shortly after I fell.

-Calm down.
-Let me help you.

I squinted my eyes to try and see the figure of the woman who was speaking to me.

She had short blonde hair in what looked like a lab coat and khakis.

She handed me a glass of water and a pill.
I just stared at her hand.

(They wouldn't drug me again ... right?)
-You do know how to take pills, right? The woman asked.

-Where am I? -I asked with a completely dry throat.

-Take that first. -She said while pointing at the glass of water in my hand.

I still didn't know where I was, why should I listen to her...?

I nodded, gathered my courage, and swallowed it.


Looking around I could see that I was in a room furnished enough not to be called a cell.
I put my hands in my pockets but found them empty.

(I should be getting hundreds of messages from Mal0 right now.)

-Are you looking for something? The woman asked.


-Oh! -She said snapping her fingers
-I almost forgot.
-Put this on. -She said, pointing to some folded clothes on the edge of the bed I was sitting on.

It was clothing similar to that of a prisoner, only instead of orange it was a blue color.

-Get out when you're done. -She said walking towards the door.


I was interrupted by the sound of the metallic door sliding and closing.
I had no choice but to play along.

I quickly changed clothes, folding my clothes on the bed.
I walked to the door but when I tried to open it I noticed that it had no handle.
knocking on the door

-Hello? Someone? -I asked, knocking on the door.

After a few seconds the door slid open and the same woman as before appeared on the doorframe.

-Perfect! Come, follow me.

Leaving the room I could see a completely gray corridor, which seemed to be infinite due to the large number of doors it had.

-Where am i? -I asked again.

-That... Is classified information. -She answered without even looking at me.

-Why was I brought here?

-You will be asked a few questions, just try to answer them as best as you can.



The rest of the trip was silent, she didn't even tell me her name, I felt very nervous, like I was going to pass out at any moment.

We walked through doors marked with numbers, people marked with numbers, things marked with numbers.

These people really loved their numbers.

I could see a few soldiers wearing uniforms standing beside one of the doors.

-We have arrived. -Announced the woman.

The door was identical to the hundreds of others in this place.
I looked inside the room. and it appeared to be a meeting room.
In it were people dressed in white coats with a strange logo on them.

Giving me a shove she pushed me into the room.
All the people immediately turned around and stared me up and down, as if they were scanning me.

There some chatter which went silent.

-Is this a joke? -Inquired the hairless scientist.

(I didn't even understand what was happening anymore, I just wanted to go home to Mal0 and mom..)

(Wasn't I what they wanted?)

-Something must have went wrong.

-This file..
-Read here. -Said another scientist, handing him some papers.

- "An undercover agent was sent to the location to identify those responsible for the tear and transport them to the foundation.

-He's the subject. -Said a woman pointing her finger at me.


-Could you show us how you can do it? -Said the same bald man from before.
-Jumps of yours.

-If I do, will I be able to go back home?

-I can't answer that.

-B-But first I need something to do it.

-And what do you require? -The scientist asked.

-M-My cell phone ... -I stuttered

He turned around and quickly discussed it with his colleagues.


-Hey...? I-I can't do it without that app!

-Then it is possible that you are not what is capable of making those jumps.

I didn't know what to answer, that did make a lot of sense.

-Currently your device is being inspected.
-Although we have asked that it be returned to us as soon as they finish. -A woman explained.


Minutes later a soldier entered the room, with my phone in a plastic bag.

She handed it to the scientist, along with a piece of paper.

She read it quickly and exclaimed :
-Traces of SCP-1471 ?!

That caused an uproar among her colleagues and even more confusion for me.

-Although there appears to be no traces of an anomaly in the device itself. -She added a little disappointed.

-When did the messages start?

-What do you mean?

He took a deep breath.

-Don't play dumb, the foundation knows everything.

-The foundation?! You're the ones who locked up Mal0!

There was a long silence.

I didn't like at all that they were invading my privacy but there wasn't much I could do about it.

At one point you stopped receiving photos and started receiving ... and sending text messages?

-How curious, could it be that ...

-Move the kid to his cel--
-Room. -Said a woman while making hand gestures to the guard outside.


SCP 1471 [A one of a kind friend.]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon