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-We-We'll have to come back, I guess. -I stuttered nervously.

-This w--
-Wait, not this way.

-Don't you remember which way to go...? -I asked.

-I do know where we have to go, i just...


We continued walking in random directions, hoping to come across the elevator back to the top level.

I was beginning to worry.
How big was this place?
I felt like I was walking for hours.


My feet hurt from walking so much, I wasn't used to walking so much.

I was not used to walking so much. I never leaved my house unless it was absolutely necessary.

-Do you have a GPS or a map by any chance? -I asked.

-Ah! She exclaimed, snapping her fingers and making me jump.

-She put her hand in her pocket and pulled out what appeared to be a video game console.
I managed to make out the letters "S-NAV" written below the small screen.

-Will that help us get out of here?

-Of course it will.

-Phew, that's good.
-I just want to go ho--

-If only it would work! -She shouted, throwing the device to the ground.


She sighed and sat on the floor, holding her head with both hands.

-Calm down...Breathe... -She whispered under her breath.

I had the slightest feeling that this woman didin't work well under pressure.

Without being seen by her, I quickly picked up the device from the floor and quickly put it in my pocket.

-Just keep going. -She said.


It had already been 30 minutes since the alert began.
From time to time I could hear distant sounds and voices, which seemed to come from even lower down.

The scientist seemed to have noticed this too, as she seemed to be quite alert.
This thing, the scp that was mentioned by the intercom seemed like something to be afraid of...

We passed a wall, which had a pretty big hole in it.
Just big enough for a person to get through.
Inside were desks and papers all over the floor, a complete mess.

I was about to go over and inspect, but the sound of the intercom made me jump backwards.


The message was cut off abruptly by a loud static sound.

Apparently there were also bigger problems than scp 6..2...8?

I didn't really understand everything that was going on here, and I wasn't very comfortable knowing that more creatures or whatever they were weren't in their place.

This made the scientist even more uneasy, and she rushed back in.

-We must leave NOW. -That was the only answer.

-I-I don't understand what's going on.

-You don't need to.

-I don't?! I clearly don't need to know if I'm about to die from god knows what! -I said sarcastically.

My heart skipped a beat  when we passed by an elevator.

I went over to read the plaque besides it and it said:

[Holding cell: SCP 049]

I didn't want to stress the obvious but I couldn't resist asking the obvious question.

-Shouldn't that be c-closed?

The scientist just looked at me and nodded her head.

That meant that there was more than one scp. And if they listed them then there would be more than 600 scp in this facility?!

My thoughts were interrupted by a voice from afar.

-Who's there?"

The voice sounded worried so I was very surprised when the scientist covered my mouth with her hand.

The footsteps that we were hearing...
They didn't sound like any shoe I've heard before.
They sounded fleshy, as if someone was walking barefoot through the metallic corridors.

The woman quickly noticed this and signaled me to walk slowly, avoiding making any noise

I didn't understand why, but her expression indicated that this was no joke.

We walked slowly through an intersection, unable to see the thing we were hiding from.

I pulled out the s-nav and quickly turned it on with a button.
It worked perfectly to my surprise.
I pulled on the woman's coat and showed her the device.
She quickly inspected it and we changed course.

I was nervous to know that we were surrounded by an unknown beast.

There was a weird smell... A metallic smell?
I couldn't tell, but it made me uneasy.
I felt sick, and my heart sounded like it was about to burst.

After crossing two more corridors we arrived at the checkpoint, and further back the elevators.
The scientist swiped her card and opened the metallic doors to the checkpoint.

-Who's there! -A voice asked, this time closer than before.

We ran to the elevators and got into one of them.
We quickly started pressing on the buttons to the top floors.
As the doors closed I could make out a reddish shape, almost like a dog.

-We are safe now, you can breathe easy... -The woman said, taking a deep breath.
-What was your name again?


-You can relax now, Quentin. -She said, smiling.

Her smile did not seem genuine...

I sat down and put my head between my legs and I couldn't help but cry a little bit.

Who would have thought that I would get into all this?

I just wanted to go home, maybe play some games with Mal0...

Not be locked up in a lab with unknown creatures.
I wanted to go back to my mom, tell her I loved her and give her a big hug.

I felt the elevator stop and I got up from the floor.
With my eyes blurry from all the teaes I could barely see how there were three figures in front of the elevator.

-Hands where I can see them. -Said a hoarse voice.


SCP 1471 [A one of a kind friend.]Where stories live. Discover now