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I found it hard to process that I was back home, I couldn't believe that it had already been a little over a month since Mal0's arrival.

I checked my cell phone and saw that I had several new messages.

[Don't forget our agreement Quentin.]
[Your purpose there is to attract anomalies and have the foundation take care of them].

The other messages came from a corrupt sender, which I assumed was Mal0.

[Quentin, is that your mom?!?]
[She looks exactly like you!]
[I wish I could hug her, but you know...]
[Big claws and stuff...]

I suppressed a laugh, I couldn't imagine the reaction my mother would have to a furry beast of almost two and a half meters with huge claws running to hug her.

Probably the same as mine, to pull a weapon from somewhere and hit it.

I sighed and looked around the house.
I could hardly believe I was back here.

I could finally go to school again and also play on my computer---.

-Quentin, the food is ready!



-That was really good... -I mumbled, leaning back in my chair, completely full.

-I'm so glad.
-I think I should be going now.. -She said looking at her phone.
-Promise to call me if anything happens, okay?

After getting ready and putting on her work clothes she gave me a big hug before leaving.

-I'll see you later.

-Bye, Mom.

The instant the door closed I felt a menacing presence behind me.

-You couldn't wait, huh? -I asked while turning around.

-The omelettes looked very tasty. -She sighed.

-If you want, I can reheat them in the microwave.

I was walking towards the kitchen as I remembered what had happened the first time I used the microwave with Mal0.

-No thanks. -She answered, scratching her neck.

She devoured the two omelettes I had set aside for her along with some rice.

-Even while cold, they're still really tasty!

-I should ask her to teach me. -She said finishing her plate.

-Oh, wait. -She sighed a couple seconds later, her ears flat against her head.


-What is it?

-Can you see through my phone camera? -I asked, pulling out my new phone from the foundation.

-I can see your surroundings while I'm inside your phone, why do you ask?

-Well, if mom can't teach you directly, I could ask her and you could learn by watching.

-You would do that for me? -She said lowering her plate, her tail wagging behind her quickly.

-Why not?   -I replied, shrugging.


I had never felt so happy in my life sitting down to play on my pc.

Finally we finished playing that video game of robots and portals with Mal0.

-Isn't there another installment of this video game? -She asked turning to see me.

-About that... -I said, looking away from the screen.

-I need the third part now.... -She sobbed as she put down her controller.

Looking at the clock I could see that it was 10 PM, I decided to get off the computer and make something to eat.

Though I was really tired and looking forward to sleep, I figured Mal0 would be hungry.

Even though she asked really nicely, I refused to make omelettes again and did something different this time.

I mustered all my willpower not to fall asleep and made my masterpiece, steaks with mashed potatoes.

It took less than half and hour to get everything ready and cooking.

I shuddered a bit as she took the steak in her hands and tore it with her sharp teeth.

-Yummy! -She said as she chewed.

-Ah... I'm glad. -I replied, yawning shortly after.

We finished dinner and Mal0 offered to do the dishes.
I changed my clothes and laid down on my bed covering myself up to my neck, it was starting to get cold.

I felt strangely excited to get back to my boring life.

I took out my cell phone when I received a notification, it turned out to be from the foundation.

Tomorrow you will receive your first orders.
For your sake, follow them as best as you can.

[This message will be deleted in thirty seconds].


Of course, I still had the heavy chain that was the foundation attached to my ankle.

I left the cell phone charging on the nightstand and stared at the ceiling.

(It was clear that I was not going to go back to my normal life, I would have the foundation biting my ankle for the rest of my life).

(But I would still have Mal0 to help me with whatever errands they sent my way.).

I heard footsteps coming toward my room and instinctively closed my eyes.

The footsteps became softer once they got past the door and saw me sleeping, they slowly walked to the opposite side of my bed and gently got under the covers.

Her fur felt so warm, as if they were clouds.
Her distinctive ashy smell was strangely soothing.

-Good night Quentin. -She murmured hugging me with one furry arm.

I felt like crying now, we had been through so much together that having some peace and quiet seemed very strange right now.

-Good night Mal0.


something something, english still hard.

Thank you for reading!!

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