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I woke up with the sound of the alarm clock at six in the morning.
I immediately realized that Mal0 was still clinging to me and was still wearing the pajamas I had given her.

The first thing that greeted me when I turned on my phone was a low battery indicator.
I quickly plugged it into the charger and went to the bathroom.
It took me half a minute of me flicking the lever to realize that there was still no electricity.

I quickly changed clothes, being careful not to wake up Mal0


While drinking some coffee I looked out the window, a gray and cloudy sky, the perfect excuse to skip class.

But the most responsible part of my brain convinced me to only skip classes when absolutely necessary, yet I still had a bad feeling.

I was about to leave when I saw Mal0 jump out of bed and run up to me.

-Let me go with you.

-Good Morning, Mal0.

-Im sorry, good morning - It answered after thinking for a few seconds.

-I can't take you with me today, my phone battery is really low.


-I don't know what would happen if I ran out of battery with you inside the phone..

-I understand.

Exhausted, the entity stretched and sat back on the bed.

-I'll see you later ..- She said lowering her ears.

-See you later Mal0.


I had a nice walk to school, there were almost no people on the streets which meant fewer panic attacks.

When I entered the classroom almost half of the class was missing, which made me regret not skipping class for today.


On the way back home I had a strange feeling of anxiety, which only multiplied when I saw what seemed to be some guys following me.

As I walked around they followed behind me, approaching little by little.
I decided not to take the usual road and go through a more traveled area.
Crossing to the left I passed through a busy square, full of students.

I did my best to get through the crowd and out of sight, I left the plaza and turned a corner with little traffic.

There they were, the two people who had been following me since I left class.
Now that I could take a good look at them I  could see how suspicious they looked.

"I know you shouldn't judge a book by its cover but ..."

Realizing that they had been discovered they started walking quickly towards me.
I started walking away faster, just like my heartbeat.

Without thinking twice I started running too.

Looking back I could see that one of the two had something metallic in his hand.
I thought quickly of the closest safe zone but couldn't think of anything.

It only took a bad turn for me to panic.
I had entered a dead end.

I tried to climb a fence but couldn't handle the extra weight of my backpack.
That's when a spark occurred in my brain and it gave me the idea of ​​using the travel app.
I only had seconds until the criminals caught up with me.


                      [Base]      [???]

With no other option I pressed the corrupted text and felt dizzy once again.

My vision turned gray like the last time.
If I squinted my eyes I could see two outlines that seemed to be my attackers from the "other side"

I didn't want to stay here any longer so I ran home again.


I was starting to feel the consequences of all this stress and running.
I didn't know what would happen if I stayed here for long time so I decided to go back.

Leaving the alley, I walked home, dragging my feet.

Before reaching to open the front door I felt a pinch and a hand on my back.

Fearing the worst I turned around, only to see a police officer.
Wearing a blue uniform and a shiny badge, with a moustache to pair.

I sighed and did my best to hide my exhaustion.

-Your name is Quentin, right?

-That's me.

-I need you to come with me.

-Did something bad happen?

-No, I just need to ask you a few questions at the station, nothing more.

-Let me just...
-Leave my... bag...

Exhaustion and sleep suddenly overwhelmed me, the last thing I saw before closing my eyes was the police officer's smile.


Sorry for taking too long to update ûwû

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