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I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't, I had a severe headache.

I tried to get up, but the ropes tied on my wrists and ankles prevented me from moving.

Part of me just wanted to die, but the other half was waiting for Mal0 to come and rescue me, as impossible as that sounds.

I knew that the foundation would not let these people take away the only person capable of calming 682, but they would have to do something quickly if they wanted me alive.

Some hands took off the blindfold I had over my eyes.
The first thing I saw was my blurry feet tied to the bed in the cell.

A hand startled me and untied the rope from my left hand.

I managed to turn my head and could see the soldier in the red beret holding a spoon and a plastic bowl with what looked like pieces of burned meat with soup.

-You must be hungry, Quentin, hm? Eat. -He said calmly.

I hesitated to accept the plate, they would surely try to poison me.

-Eat. -He said, this time returning to his firm tone again.

I raised my untied hand and took a piece of meat, then dropped it on the floor.

-FUCK YOU! -he exclaimed, throwing the bowl.

-YOU THINK THIS IS A GAME, DON'T YOU? -He shouted, kicking the side of the bed with fury.
-Do you think you can play with me?

-Enough games. -He said, grabbing me by the neck and choking me with both hands.

-Tell me what I want to know and it won't hurt much. -He said, loosening his grip a little.

I barely gathered enough air to talk.

-I've... already... told...y--

He took a step backwards, then hit my face with his forearm, causing my nose to bleed.

He grabbed me by the neck again, but this time he seemed not to stop, I tried to kick him, but I could not move my legs.
I pulled out my left arm and managed to scratch part of his face, but he hit me again which almost made me lose consciousness.

When everything was getting cloudy, I felt the cell doors open and the man's grip lessened, then he let go of me, letting the air flow into my lungs again.

-WHAT?! -shouted the distant voice of the soldier.
-We are under attack! -Another voice answered

The soldier uttered an insult in russian and quickly ran to the door, leaving me alone in the cell.

It took me a moment to breathe properly again and to focus my eyes.
I could still feel the taste of my own blood in my mouth.

As soon as I came to my senses I tried to get out of the restraints, which was very easy since I had one hand free.

I awkwardly untied the knot in my right hand and then the knot in my ankles.

For the first time in quite some time I stood on my own two feet.


My blood pressure almost made me faint after getting up so quickly

As I sat down on the floor I found the metal spoon that the soldier had thrown in his fit of anger.

I grabbed it and managed to bend and break the top, leaving me with a somewhat sharp weapon.

I hoped I wouldn't have to use it, but I would hesitate to do so in an emergency.

Now I needed get out of here.


I spent the last five minutes trying to find a way out of the cell, but it was impossible.

There was no window, and the only vent was located on the roof.


I decided to put the chair on the bed and climb on it.
I almost fell, but i managed to support myself with a wall.

I managed to remove the rusty screws with my improvised weapon and climbed up.

I barely fit, but it was way better than being locked up.
It wasn't very long, but I had to get through several cobwebs and bugs.

I had to kick a little bit to get the exit grid out, which made a terrible noise when it hit the ground.

My senses were on high alert after coming out of the duct.

I know that I wouldn't able to defend myself against the russian soldiers, but maybe I could sneak around them and get out.


The place seemed endless, just like the foundation, but this place was not clean at all.

Turning a corner I could see a staircase leading up to it, but first a door caught my eye from which water was draining out from underneath.

Before I could climb one step I heard a loud [BANG] coming from the room.

I froze, not knowing what to do when the door opened to make way for a soldier with a gun.

-STOP! -He shouted, raising his weapon.

My legs reacted faster than my brain and I ran up the stairs with the soldier behind me.
I reached the top and tried to open the door that was there, but it was too heavy to open.

I began to panic, looking sideways and thinking of an alternative, but there was nowhere to go.

I took advantage of the guard and waited for him at the top of the stairs, where I was out of sight.

I heard him hurrying up and waited until a few steps were left before stepping out of the corner and kicking him with both feet, sending him down the stairs.


I didn't lose a moment and followed him as he pulled out the weapon i had improvised.

Before he could react I stabbed him in his neck repeatedly, bathing my hands in blood along with the rest of my clothes.
I kept stabbing him until I ran out of air.

I walked away from the body with tears in my eyes as I tried to wipe my hands clean on my clothes.
My heartbeat was deafening, and my hands wouldn't stop shaking.

I didn't want to kill him, but I had no choice.
He was going to harm me, but there was no denying it.

I had killed a human being, a person.

It was kill or be killed, right? So why doesn't it feel like I've been saved?

I'm not a murderer.

I'm not.


As always, i'd appreciate if you could point out typos and stuff, still learning english.
Thanks for reading.

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