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I found myself in the stone platform once again.

Looking around i could see that there were some changes since the last time i came here.

This time there seemed to be strange doors around the platform.

Looking behind me I could see an open door through which i could only see the black emptiness that surrounded me.

I walked and inspected the doors around me. They had strange symbols engraved on them.

From all of them came the white threads that i started to see lately.

There was one in particular that caught my attention.
It was right next to me.

It was a wooden door, quite torn and chipped.
I took a deep breath and tried to open it.

It made a loud * click * and it opened.

But the door did not lead anywhere.
Not here at least.

I couldn't open any door other than that, which was strange.

I walked to the edge of the platform and without thinking twice I jumped.


I woke up abruptly with a very strong headache, covered in sweat.

This didn't make sense, the last time I had done something like that in a dream Mal0 came here.

Speaking of her, I could see her curled up on top of my legs sleeping, just like a dog would.

I covered her with my blanket because I wasn't sure if her fur was warm enough.

I walked to the kitchen to look for a glass of water, I was really thirsty.

While drinking I checked my phone notifications only to find something strange.

[Mal0 ver. 1.0.0 has been updated]

I quickly looked at her but she was still asleep.

Pressing on the new icon that appeared on the screen opened a menu which had never been there before.

It seemed a pretty basic application, with a white background and black letters.

Some called my attention which said:


              [Base]          [?͏̷̕?̢͏́͢͜?̨͟͝]

The "base" option was grayed out so the only option I had left was the corrupted text.

Even though every cell in my body was screaming not to do it, I took a deep breath and tapped the button.

Instantly I knew something was wrong, everything in my vision became more gray ...

There was something really wrong.
I quickly ran to where Mal0 was sleeping.

She wasn't there anymore.
I looked for her in the small flat but there was no sign of her.

I looked out the window but there was no sign of her, nor of anyone in general.

As if I had gone to another dimension.

I quickly remembered how I had arrived here and turned my phone on.

This time tapped the "Base" button.

Everything quickly  returned to normal, in exchange for a strong dizziness that made me have to sit down.

I heard the glass of water fall and break which woke up Mal0.

-Are you okay!? -It was the last thing I heard before closing my eyes and dozing off.


I was in my bed again.

Did Mal0 carry me here?

I felt very tired, as if I had run a marathon.

- Mal0? -I said with little strength.

After a few seconds I saw her appear from the kitchen doorframe carrying a plastic cup of water

-What happened to me?

-Im afraid i don't know, you just lost conciousness in the kitchen.

- You didin't see the other world?

-The other world?

After thinking for a moment it said:

-I think you may have a fever.

-What?! N-No! -I shouted, making my head hurt a little.

She approached me and placed her hand on my forehead.

-I'd say your body temperature is normal.

I tried to grab my phone from the bedside table but i only managed to throw it on the floor.

-I need to know what time it is, i don't want to be late to school.

-It's eight in the morning with fifteen minutes. -She answered without looking away.

It was too late now.

I sighed and admitted that I couldn't go to school like this.

-Do you need me to bring you something?

-Could you bring me another blanket?


Moments later she returned with a blanket and she placed it gently on me.

-What happened? -She asked sitting down on the floor next to me.

-Your updated and I-

-And you?

-I'll show it to you.

I picked up my cell phone, I opened the application again and Mal0 sat next to me.

-How weird.

-I would do it again but it doesn't seem to work now.

-Maybe you just imagined it?
-You should rest. She said with a worried tone.


I was woken up by the sound of the notifications from the school group.

I checked the cell phone and I was surprised how much I had slept.

                          [5:30 PM]

 I streched and walked towards the kitchen.

I didn't expect to see Mal0 there trying to make omelettes.

She had done several batches, but most of them were in pieces or very burnt.

-Oh! You're awake! -She exclaimed turning around.

-Goodnight. -I said laughing at my own joke.

-I looked up the recipe online. -She said when she looked at me examine the omelettes.

-I should teach you someday.

-I'd be glad to learn! -She answered, wagging her tail.

I quickly prepared the table to eat while she finished cooking up the last omelettes.


Mal0 had practiced eating with cutlery, but she still had that weird habit of using her tongue at times.

It looked more like a tendril than an actual tongue, it was covered with a black liquid that i assumed it was its saliva.

We finished eating and I to my room and layed down on my bed.

I didin't want to skip classes tomorrow so i didin't mess around with my phone and quickly fell asleep.

SCP 1471 [A one of a kind friend.]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt