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Apparently Mal0 could still "go inside" the phone, I was afraid that her physical form would be permanent.

While I was walking to school I began thinking.

Was it really okay to use the powers of a paranormal creature just because I didn't prepare for the exam?

(Of course.)

[What should I do?]

- Get in the smoke detector and activate it. - I whispered, trying not to be heard.

[Will that be enough?]

-I hope so.


Our teacher had just entered the room holding a bunch of test papers.

-The day came. - The teacher announced, a small smile forming in his face.

- I will make pairs of two people since I didn't get enough photocopies and you will have an hour and a half to solve the exam.

(Wait what?)

-You sit there and you ... there. -He said while pointing with his finger.

He turned around and pointed to me.

-Quentin ... You with Mia, over there.

Great, I was going to sit with the quiet girl.

Strangely that was good, since she always studies for exams.

I took my backpack and went to sit on her desk, the one in the back next to the window.

-H-hi. I stuttered.

-Hello. - She said avoiding visual contact.

I always got nervous when I was near some girls, not sure why though.


I was crushing the phone with my fist in my pocket.

Not only did I have to wait until the teacher to look away but I also didin't want to be seen by this girl.

I answered the easiest questions, looking at the teacher out of the corner of my eye.

I had the perfect opportunity to send the confirmation message to Mal0 and escape from here.



Not a second later I heard the loud beep of the alarm.

Quickly the professor stood up and told us to follow the evacuation routes.
Previous drills had told us that we had to leave in an orderly fashion and in rows.

What I did not expect is for everyone to run like wild animals at a zoo.

Only a few students remained, the teacher and my desk partner.

We quickly formed outside the classroom and started to go down.

I felt a little bad seeing Mia scared, looking sideways and stumbling every once in a while.

We met outside the school while we waited for the firemen to arrive.


-I hope I never have to repeat this again.

[You should study for the next occasion.]

-Is it my fault that an anomaly of another universe distracted me from my studies?



The moment I entered the house I felt like something hairy was falling on me and throwing me on the floor.


-Sorry, but I couldn't resist -Answered the creature.

I quickly got up and closed the door,i didin't need any curious neighbors calling animal control..

-Mal0, do you know if there are other ... anomalies like you?

-I do not know, should I look for information?

-I doubt you'll find something .. But do it.

Leaving Mal0 alone, I went back and started doing my homework and listening to music.


This time it was my turn to make dinner, I was getting a little tired of fast food.

I had cooked for three people.

Did I really think that Mal0 could just... Sit down and eat with us ...?

She was an anomaly, but showed no evil intentions.

I decided to send mom a text to see if she was coming for dinner.
She only told me she couldn't arrive for dinner and said good night.

I sighed and sat at the living room table.

-Something happened? -The entity asked peering out from the door frame

-Nothing Mal0, come eat.

Slowly she approached and sat down opposite me, as if this was new for her ...

This time she actually tried to use the cutlery.
Keyword: "Tried"

She ended up using her hands, after staining her black fur with cheese.

-It's good.  -Was the only thing she said as she devoured her food.

-I'm glad.

While I had barely touched my food her plate was already empty.

It seemed a bit adorable to me, to see how she tried to lick away the food scraps left in her plate, as if she were a dog.

No, this was different- I could talk to her and she would answer me.

This felt like a friendship with a person who was learning a new culture.

Although, normal people do not usually harass you for days ...


After washing the dishes I layed down on the bed, quite tired and sleepy.

-Are you okay? -She asked leaning over me.

-Im fine, Mal0..

She walked to the bed and sat on the edge.

-Did you find something?

-'Fraid not.

After thinking for a few seconds I asked.

- Mal0 .. Can you sleep?

-I don't know, should I try?

-Only if you want.

- Should I sleep with you?


SCP 1471 [A one of a kind friend.]Where stories live. Discover now