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We walked to the front door, almost dragging her by her coat while she tried to go back and ask Mal0 some questions.

That's when a soldier informed me that I would have to accompany them again.

With a sigh, I left the house without even saying anything more about the anomalies inside.


I hated it when they used that drug on me.
It made me feel awful for the rest of the day.

It made me feel sluggish and anxious for the rest of the day, which was not good for me, or maybe for anyone.

This time we went down one of the elevators to the heavy containment rooms.

It brought back bad memories thinking about what had happened here.
I remembered crying as they pointed a rifle to my head.

(Good memories) - I thought as we descended deeper and deeper.

The dark metal corridors were indistinguishable from each other, it was a real maze, although I suppose this would be to disorient whatever was escaping from here.
After so much walking we arrived at a door that read "Containment Chamber : SCP 049"

-We're here. -Said one of the men who accompanied me.
After swiping a red card on the card reader I was instructed to enter the room.

I felt a cold breeze, accompanied by the smell of chemicals similar to those in the chamber of 682 which made my nose itch.

It was a large room, with four desks and a lot of papers everywhere I looked.

The people who were working there turned to look at me, apparently waiting for someone else.

There was also a big screen which showed images of...something.

I couldn't really see what it was because of how far away i was, but I could see a black spot moving back and forth.
On one of its walls there was another heavy steel door, blocked with a card reader.

-Are you sure about this? -A scientist asked.

-Maybe this will help us find out a little more about him. -He answered by pointing at me.

They hadn't even said hello and were already pointing fingers at me.

-Can you tell me what I'm doing here?  -I asked, trying to hided my fear.

-Sorry, I guess I should tell you while you're here.
-You see...
-The "individual" in here has been quite uneasy about something he heard in a dream. -He explained, pointing to the screen.

-And since you have asked about him recently we think it was no coincidence.
-We hope that your incident with 682 happens again. -Said the old man, swiping a card.
-Interact with him and under no circumstances should you have physical contact with him. -He added in a more serious tone.

Scared, I entered the holding chamber knowing I had no choice.

The strong chemical smell made me dizzy as soon as I walked in.
The room seemed to have been taken out of the last century.

There were old wooden shelves holding dozens of jars filled with different colored chemicals.

-I didn't know I had visitors! -said a male voice from across the room.
-I would have prepared something if I had known earlier!
He spoke with a slight accent, but couldn't quite figure out where he was from.

He quickly stepped out from behind a shelf and set up a table and two chairs.
He was wearing a black and slightly ragged robe that reached down to his feet.

It wasn't until he looked at me that I could see his face.
If only wasn't wearing a bird mask.

He reminded me of a black plague doctor's costume, though he was missing a cane.

-Allez, assieds-toi, he said, pointing to the wooden chair he had placed.

-O-Oui! -I answered by walking to where he had indicated.

-Ah, tu parles français? -He said once I had sat down.

-Just a little.

Looking at him closely was terrifying, the grayish bird mask stood out from his clothing like day and night.

-What is the purpose of your visit?
-Are you here for a checkup?

-No, not at all!

-Do I know you from somewhere? -He said, putting his hand on his chin.
-Your voice sounds strangely familiar.

-Ehh... You could say that.
-W... What is this supposed to be? -I said looking around.

-I see you are interested in my humble laboratory!
-It may not look like it, but I've made a lot of progress here with respect to my cure.

-Your cure? What do you mean? -I asked.

-To the great mortality, to the pestilence, the disease that affects every man, so many have died before it.
-But I will find the cure of cures!

-Do you mean the black plague? -I asked, recalling my history lessons.

-I don't know what that is. -He said after thinking about it for a few seconds.

-But I don't feel a trace of the pestilence in you.

-I'm not following.

-Do you mind if I examine you? -He said while getting up from his chair.
-I might discover something interesti--


-I guess our little talk is over.
-Au revoir.



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