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I guess I must have fainted, because when I opened my eyes I found myself lying on a wall, with a strange lizard head resting on my lap.

Strangely enough, it reminded me of a dog, even though no breed I know about had scales instead of fur.

Without thinking, I caressed its head unintentionally.

The monster opened its eyes and spoke with the same raspy voice from before.

-What are you doing?

-I am sorry. -I said moving my hand away quickly.

-I didn't tell you to stop. -It said, lowering its head.
It was emitting a kind of soft growl, as if it were a cat.

Moments later I saw several armed soldiers, some with red crosses on their uniforms, enter the door, followed by a scientist in a white coat.

-What the hell? -One of the soldiers screamed.

I tried to get up but the intense pain in my ankle made me have to sit down again.


They pointed their guns at the scp while the scientist seemed unable to bear his excitement and came over to me.

-How did you do it?! -He said, losing what little professionalism he had left.

-I have no idea.

-I've never seen six eight two as docile as they are now!
-If we can find out how you did it, you will be very useful to the foundation!

-I don't want to help you with any damn experiments, I just want to go home.

-I don't think...
-That you are not in a position to negotiate. -Said the scientist as the soldiers shifted their targets to me.

The mere fact that 682 had looked up at them had made some soldiers tremble with fear.

-You should listen to him, he's the only reason I haven't torn you apart yet.

A few guards backed away.

-What if... I go back to my apartment and you guys leave 682 alone? -I said with a little more confidence.

The scientist's confused expression said it all.

-Why should we allow this?

-Look, I don't see it attacking anyone right now...

-I will refrain from these impulses as long as I stay with him. -The lizard replied.

-What would be more expensive?
-A place to live for me and 682 or the constant fear of being killed and the lives of your personnel?

682 smiled at my proposal, showing it's sharp teeth, scaring the rest of the guards who hadn't run yet.

-I guess...
-I-I should talk to my superiors first.

A soldier pointed his flashlight at my leg.
-Can I see that for a second?
Looking out of the corner of my eye at the lizard, I nodded.

Quickly the doctor came over and inspected my ankle which was already quite swollen.

-Hmmm. It doesn't look pretty. -He said, pressing lightly with one hand

-I-I can tell! -I shouted with tears in my eyes.

-We'll have to do an X-ray, just to be sure.

-Humans are such fragile creatures... -682 added.

-Anyway, we'll have to take you to the top level to examine you.

-In the meantime...six eight two could stay waiting for you right he--

-I will go up with him. -Said the monster.

-I'm afraid that's--

-That was not a question.

There was an uncomfortable silence in which they didn't know whether to leave us here or take us to the upper levels.


They tried to negotiate with the lizard, but it was adamant about its decision.
It promised to behave and do nothing harmful if only i stayed by its side.

A monster known to have an extreme hatred of living beings saying that it would behave?

Obviously no one believed it and they had no choice but to leave us there and call in more staff.

The soldiers almost ran out of the room, followed by a grumpy scientist.
Leaving us in a dark corner of the room filled with nose burning chemicals illuminated by a single flashlight.

(This could be my way out, i only need to play my cards right..)

SCP 1471 [A one of a kind friend.]Where stories live. Discover now