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I was escorted to a cafeteria, which was full of people in the same white lab coats.
Although from time to time some guys in orange and blue clothes would pass by.

They took me to a vending machine, but it  had a weird keypad instead of buttons with numbers, then they explained that I could dispense anything I wanted from that machine, even things it couldn't normally dispense.

Unable to contain myself I started laughing in their face.

(A magic machine?)

With a smile on my face I started typing :

"T-H-E  B-E-S-T D-R-"

The scientist behind saw my selection and quickly pushed me away.

-We don't want another accident. -He said before deleting what i had typed.


"M-Y F-A-V-O-R-I-T-E D-R-I-N-K"

After a few seconds the machine dispensed an effervescent clear liquid.

After taking a small gulp my smile disappeared, I decided to save my sarcasm for later.

I was instructed to sit at a table and was brought a large pizza box?

The box had a small paper note attached to it that read :


It had "Little Caesars" written on top, I didn't recognize the brand but I hoped it was tasty.

As soon as I touched the box I felt the weight shift, something wasn't right.
I opened it slowly, wary of whatever was inside.

As soon as I finished opening it the smell made my mouth water!

It had all my favorites in it: Mozzarella cheese, sausage and ham.

I devoured each portion with a voracious appetite, I couldn't remember the last time I had eaten something so tasty.


After satisfying my appetite they asked me to follow them again.

As we were walking I asked them when I would be able to go home, which they quickly evaded by replying "Soon."

We stopped in front of another door which he opened with a red card this time.

He pushed me through and then closed the door behind me, leaving me in a room adorned with a table and two chairs.

A large wolf-like creature sat in the chair opposite me.

-Hello Quentin.

-A-Ah, hello ma'am....
-I mean, Mal0, right?

The creature averted her eyes when he heard me, but her ears perked up when I called her name.

-I'm glad you're well, Quentin. -She replied in a sad tone.

-The foundation asked me to ask you these questions and to answer them as best you can.
-Can you do that? -She asked as she pulled out a paper holder.

-I-I understand. -I said avoiding her gaze, I was a little afraid to see her eyes completely white, without any visible pupils.

Although she was way less scary now, trying to wear casual clothing..
Emphasis on trying, no garment fit her quite right as they were a bit tight on her.


-Full name?

-Quentin Burnett.


-Sixteen years old.

-Date of birth?

-Uh... July 25.

She turned the page without even looking at me.

-When did you start dreaming about "The stone platform?"

-What platform? -I asked, barking my head.

-The platform is a place only you can access.

-Huh? -I asked more confused than before.

I had been asked about the stone platform before by some scientists but I still didn't quite understand what they meant.

-Let's go on then, have you heard of the foundation?

-At least today, yes.

She turned the page again, but now her gaze was fixed in the glass on the wall of the room.

She gave a heavy sigh and continued

-When did you start receiving messages from scp-1471? -She asked with a tone of anguish in their voice.

-I don't understand.

-You started talking to me.
-When you gave me a voice and listened to me even though you knew it would bring no good.

A loud voice was heard from a speaker in the corner of the room.


-I don't...

Stammering with her own words the anomaly slammed the table furiously, sending the clipboard flying away from the table.

-It's me. -She said, getting up and bringing her face close to mine.
-Look at me.

-Please remember me. -She said, putting her claws on my shoulder.

-I swear I don't remember--

-Remember when we played that video game together?

-Im not sure..

-Or when you made me set off the alarm at your school just because you hadn't studied for a test?

-Or when you cooked me omelettes for the first time?!

-You're hurting me--

[ENOUGH] -A voice came from the loudspeaker.

-You're all I have. -She said, her voice cracking.

For the first time I looked into her face, tears were falling from her pupiless eyes, and something told me she wouldn't take no for an answer.


-SCP-1471 STAY AWAY FROM THE SUBJECT, A voice said as the door opened behind me.

Everything happened in an instant, armed soldiers entered the room and attacked Mal0, pinning her to the table and placing handcuffs on her wrists.

Something told me that if she wanted to they wouldn't be able to stop her so easily.

As she was being led out of the room her gaze remained fixed on me, as if she was waiting for me to do something.

My memories were still a blurry mess, but...
-I think I remember meeting her before...
-I remember wielding a bat...?

Maybe I was just making things up in my head.

The loud voice on the speakers caught me off guard and made me jump.



Thank you for reading and commenting!
It makes my day ûwû.

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