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Since that incident with the... "Insurgents" no one was allowed to enter nor leave the containment chamber.
This also affected the woman who was locked up with us.

The days went by and the foundation was still on high alert after what happened, it seemed that it was not over anymore.

We had exhausted all the topics of conversation and were ready to find things to do in the house.

We tried to talk to the guard who had been assigned to us but he was not authorized to respond.


While the woman was preparing some coffee, Mal0 and I sat on the sofa in the living room.

-Hey. -We said in unison.
There were a few seconds of silence in which we waited for the other one to speak.


-That woman.. She asked you questions, didn't she?

-She did.

-Could you tell me what she asked you?

-I can't
-It's a private thing. -She shrugged.

(I guess he asked her the same questions he asked me...)
(Although I don't know how she managed to explain the concept of obscene thoughts to an anomaly.)

-The coffee is ready! -The woman said as she walked over with a shaky tray on their hands.

Miraculously she arrived in the living room with all the cups full and intact.

-What were you talking about? -She asked as she handed Mal0 a cup.

-Family stuff. -I lied.
-If I remember correctly, you had a daughter, didn't you? -I asked, trying to start up a conversation.

-I do. -The woman nodded sadly.
-Her name is Mia, I haven't seen her in a long time. But we keep in touch.

(That name rings a bell, but I don't know from where).

-Was she pretty? -Mal0 asked, interested.

-She was really pretty and intelligent.
-But she was also really shy and didn't have many friends..
-So I became her best friend.

(That... sounded pretty sad.)

-She always had very good test scores.
-I think she recently failed a test.

-You told us she was intell--

-Not because of the exam, but because of your partner in the bank. -She said, interrupting Mal0
-It turns out that the boy who sat next to her was what you call a "crush"

-Does her crush have curly hair by any chance? -Mal0 asked curiously.

-I don't remember. -Said the woman with her hand on her head.

-Quentin, do you remember that time I helped you escape from an exam?


-What was your partner's name?

-I don't remember.

-Her name was Mia. -She said, slightly disappointed.

-Your daughter is the same person who sent me messages? -I whispered, so that the guard couldn't hear us.

-Wha-What do you mean?

The mood in the room abruptly changed after I showed her my phone and the conversation I had with the anonymous messager.

-I don't understand, how did she even send me messages?
-This phone doesn't even have a SIM card.

-I don't know.

-Does anyone at the foundation know about this? -Mal0 asked.

-I don't think so.
-And i don't want them to find out.

-Your secret is safe with us!
-I've disabled all the cameras in this place!
-I don't want them to spy on us while we're bathing.

-Is that so?


-I think I'll go make some more tea. -The woman said after refilling 682's cup for the third time.

While the woman was walking to the kitchen Mal0 was looking at my cup with curiosity.

-I still don't know how you can drink that.

-Are you not drinking coffee right now?

-Coffee with milk and sugar, but it's still very bitter! -She said, sticking out her black tongue.

-You get used to it, Mal0.


The hours until dinner were endless, it seemed like days had passed.
While 682 and the woman were cooking we were preparing the table.

It was very funny to see 682 discussing about human food, even though it had no knowledge about it.
We tried to get the guard to taste some food, but he wasn't allowed to even breathe in our direction.


I got up pretty early because of a stomachache, i had too much coffee on my system.
It was hard to escape Mal0's iron grip but I made it out alive.

As I walked with my eyes half closed to the bathroom I noticed that there was a strange smell in the house, but I couldn't quite tell what it was.
I did my business and went outside rubbing my eyes with my fists.

Whether or not I wanted to I couldn't go back to sleep, so I walked to the kitchen to get a glass of wat--

-OW! -I screamed as I slipped on a puddle of water.
I had fallen quite hard on my back, it took me more time that I'd like to admit to get back up.

When I managed to get up, I walked to the living room lights and turned them on.


The guard who had been protecting us hours ago was lying on the ground with a pool of blood next to him.
I almost screamed when I realized that I had not slipped on a puddle of water.
My legs and torso were covered in the guard's blood.
I had to cover my mouth not to gag.

I could barely hear voices coming out of the radio over my deafening heartbeat.
I tried grabbing the radio but my hands wouldn't stop shaking.

Before I could even grab it, I heard some distant footsteps coming my way.

was going to ask them for help but i recieved a strong blow on the back of my head.



-QUENTIN?! -The anomaly screamed, while running from room to room with tears in her eyes.

-They're gone.


The furred beast was crying in the living room, meanwhile docens of soldiers came into the containment chamber.


Something something, bad english

Thank you for reading!!

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