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When I opened my eyes and saw what I had hit, I noticed a simple thing.

What I saw wasn't true.

I had gone completely crazy.

Whatever it was, that creature completely changed me.

I decided to check the message that had arrived seconds before all this.

[Hello? Is this working?]

To be honest I was a bit dazed.
The letters in the text seemed to shake as I read them.

This was a great leap...
From whatever I expected but still the panic and stress seemed to have vanished for now.

-Apparently it works, but who are you? and what is going on?

I looked at the screen for what seemed like hours, when I thought it wasn't going to answer it rang again.

[I cannot believe it. You answered ... It's working.]

[I apologize for what has happened lately, I am the entity that you have seen in the photographs.]

I took a deep breath and held it, to avoid throwing my phone across the hall.

[Are you okay? Please do not be afraid I do not have any ill intentions towards you.]

-I'm fine, just tell me what you are.

Three dots appeared indicating that the beast or the person behind all this was formulating an answer.

[My name is Mal0 and I do not know much more about myself and I apologize for it.]

-I've had enough of this, just tell me if this is a sick joke and that's it.

[I do not see how this could be a joke, I'm here and I'm sending you messages on your phone. I know where you live, where you go and where you are. I've been following you for weeks and not once have I tried any kind of humor]

While reading the message, I actually considered this to be true and not a prank.

[Are you okay?]

[You are not responding.]

-I'm fine...

- I just have a question to ask you.

I sighed and corrected the errors that my text had.

-When I asked you who you were, I was wondering if you were another person or a kind of artificial intelligence .. Is that the case?

After a few seconds looking at the three little dots dancing I returned to answer.

[As I said before, I do not know. I do not think I'm human and I have reasons to believe so.]

[As the rules of this world are different, I can not manifest physically and therefore I can not show myself.]

-What do you mean?

[You can only see me through the pictures.]

If what it said was slightly true, i would have some kind of digital ghost on the other side.

Still I was still quite skeptical and I was thinking that all this was a joke by someone with a lot of free time.

-Speaking of the photos, what are you supposed to look like?

[I do not know, maybe my creator cursed me with this appearance. But I would like to see myself in another way, a less menacing one]

[I do not want to hurt anyone, neither you nor anyone else in the world. At last I have a voice and you are the only one who has listened to me. I hope that with this chance it is clear that I have no other reason to communicate with you. I've been alone for a long time and I do not want to be left alone again.]

SCP 1471 [A one of a kind friend.]Where stories live. Discover now