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Little by little the anomaly woke up, still dizzy from all the running she did.
She looked up and was surprised to see she wasn't in the transport she had fell asleep into.

Everything was pitch black.
As if she had never woken up.

She was back again in the darkness just like before she met him.

(No, no, no, no, no, no.)

She got up from the ground and tried to take a few steps forward, but she wasn't sure if she even moved.
She couldn't even see her own hand in front of her face.

She looked behind her trying to look for something or someone, 682 was nowhere to be found. Black was all she could see.

(She had let herself get captured again...)

She tried to scream, but no matter how hard she tried no sound came out of her mouth.
She fell to her knees and hit the ground with her hands.

Tears streaming down her face as she refused to accept that she had returned to the abyss.

If she had come back here, that meant he was....


A sharp turn snapped her out of her reverie, she awoke, leaning against 682's warm lap.


She had to sit for a few seconds to digest what was happening.

(Had it been a nightmare?)
(It felt so real...)

-Is something wrong? -Asked the lizard, cocking its head to the side

-No, nothing.

She hadn't been able to sleep a wink since the insurgents took Quentin away.

But now she could rest easy... right?

She felt the transport slow down and finally stop.


The soldiers wanted to send them back to their containment chamber, they didn't want some uncontained anomalies walking around the foundation.

-I will leave when Quentin recovers. -She said in a firm voice.

The doctors had no choice but to give in to 682's piercing gaze and Mal0's words.

They allowed them to stay in the waiting room, but also placed guards to keep an eye on them.

In her nervousness she glanced around the room he was in, and her attention was drawn to the small wooden desk in the corner.
On top were several objects, among them a broken spoon handle covered in blood, a gun and a cell phone with a cracked screen.

She recognized it instantly, it was the same cell phone he used when she first met him.

Without thinking twice she got up from the place and took the cell phone.
The guards didin't move an inch from where they stood.

She turned it on and instantly received hundreds of messages from the same sender.


Reading the messages the anomaly's eyes filled with tears, her heart being squeezed by the words on screen.

That woman had been trying to find her son for almost a month now, sending him a message every day with the hope that he would one day reply.

She knew he shouldn't do this, but she still typed with trembling hands a response to that woman's cry.

[Quentin is okay.]
[Don't worry.]

Every second that passed seemed eternal, but she knew Quentin was strong, and he would recover quickly.

She sat down on the plastic chairs in the waiting room and got comfortable.



-Hey. -A cold voice woke her up.

She looked up to see 682 in front of her.

-You should go back to the containment chamber.
-You're pushing yourself too hard.

-I have to make sure he's okay..

Immediately the lizard walked over to a doctor who was taking notes outside the room and approached him.

-What is the patients condition?

-He's stable, but he will need some more rest because of his concussion. -He replied trying to keep a professional tone.

-Thank you.

It went back to where 1471 was and tried to convince her to rest.

-The human is fine.
-You're not.

-I'm fine. -She replied.
-I'm just waiting for him to wake up.

-I understand that he's important to you, but your health matters too. -The lizard replied in its kindest possible tone.

It tried to grab her arm but she quickly moved her arm away.

-What do you know about important?! -She snapped.

-Don't act like you didint want to exterminate all living beings some weeks ago.
-Stop pretending to care about me and leave. -She added sitting back down.


There were a few seconds of silence, which 682 interrupted by grabbing Mal0's leg with its tail and dragging her from the room.

The soldiers intended to interrupt, but with just one glare from 682 they ceased instantly.

She was so tired that she couldn't even resist as she was dragged through the corridors of the foundation.


She finally stopped, in front of the trucks they were using to transport them to the new chamber.

When 1471 picked herself up off the ground her fur was nothing but gray fluff and dust.

-I think I got your message..


SCP 1471 [A one of a kind friend.]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora