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I opened my eyes a little dizzy....
Was I in a hospital bed...?
I tried to move but when I turned around the whole room spun around.

I put a hand on my head by reflex and discovered a thick bandage that covered most of my forehead.

(What happened?)

I felt as if my body was lagging behind my brain's instructions.

(Why am I here?)

I closed my eyes and tried to remember, but the only thing that came to my mind was that... strange monster that came to visit me.

(No, that's not right...)
(Mal0, that's it!)

She had mentioned that she knew me from before...
But it was my first time seeing her, how strange, I thought she was confused, but she knew my name and everything.

I try to remember, but my head gets all fuzzy if i think about it too much.


I tried to grab a glass of water placed on the table next to the gurney but ended up spilling half of it in my face as I tried to drink.

At the same time a man in a white coat entered the room holding a clipboard.

-Quentin Burnett? -He asked as he read from his paper.


-What happened when specimen SCP-1471 entered the room? -He asked, glancing at the mess i had made.

-You mean Mal0, right? -I asked somewhat confused.


-She said she knew me and I just....
-I was a little scared when I saw her. -I answered, a bit embarrassed.

The scientist's face changed for an instant.

-This is not the time for jokes. -He answered, adjusting his glasses.

-Was I supposed to know her? -I asked in surprise.


-Wait here a moment. -He said as he hurried out of the room.

-I wanted to ask you something.

My pleas were interrupted by the sound of the door closing.

Did I do something wrong?
I could have sworn I hadn't seen her before, but when I try to think of something my head goes blank.

I should ask them why I'm here.

I had to mentally prepare myself to get up from the bed.
How long had I been lying down?
Another question, when did I get in here?

With both my legs shaking under my own weight I had to hold on to the wall to stand up.
Slowly I approached the exit door.

I stopped when I heard voices outside the room.

-Are you sure?
-Did you check the cameras?


-What do you mean, "The files are corrupted"?! -The man shouted, making me jump.

I was halfway back when I heard hurried footsteps outside and the door opened again letting in another man in a white coat.

-You shouldn't be standing, you need to rest!

I slowly lay back down on the gurney.

The man started asking me questions about me, and showed me some pictures, but it wasn't really helpful.

-Have you visited the stone platform lately?

-What do you mean? -I asked, cocking my head to the side.

-I understand.

-What month did you say we were in? -He asked.

-Today we're in... April.
-Or was it May?
-Wait, I have a test in two weeks and I haven't studied at all.

-I see.

-I should go, you still need more rest.

-I-I'm fine!

-Well, in that case.


As the boy questioned his own memories the anomaly prepared for his return.

She had put on a tight white wool sweater, which emphasized her... personality.

She was also wearing jean shorts which she had adjusted so that her tail would pop out from a hole in the back.

She couldn't help but jump for joy when she heard the front doorbell ring.

She shot out, her tail wagging violently as she opened the door---

-Good morning. -A soldier from the foundation greeted her.

-Good... Good morning. -The anomaly replied, her tail going limp.

-I have come to request your presence.

-Did I do something wrong?

-That information is confidential. -He replied coldly.

-So... I have done something wrong. -She answered, lowering his ears.

-Could yo--

-Yes, yes, I'm coming. -She said as she watched the man put his gun away.

They put her in the usual transport, even if she was a little uncomfortable it was preferable to go in the back of a truck than...
Being drugged and put to sleep.


-I can't do it... -I replied after squeezing my eyelids together for what felt like an hour trying to think about the stone platform they kept telling me.

-Hmm, come with me. -Said the scientist after writing down something on his clipboard.

Somewhat confused, I followed him through the white corridors.

(I don't understand how anyone can find their way in this place, it looks like a labyrinth).

We stopped in front of a door, which he opened by sliding a black card.

-Go ahead.

He pushed me into a... Laboratory?
It was full of machines and devices that I didn't know what they were for, not to mention the people coming and going back and forth.

I was instructed to sit in a black chair and stretch my arm.

They took out an elastic band and an empty syringe.

-Stay still. -He instructed as he pushed it into my arm.

By the time they pulled out the third syringe I felt like I was going to faint.

(Why do they need so many blood samples?)

-Can I go home now?

No reply.

-Make him eat something and bring him back here.
-I don't want him passing out on me.
-After all, we still have some tests pending with 1471.


Something, something english hard.

Thank you for reading!

SCP 1471 [A one of a kind friend.]Where stories live. Discover now