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-Do you know why?

-She had a dream about you.

-Oh, that's cu--

-In which you died.

-I see.

682 turned its back to me and examined the beer can again.

-This drink...
-What effect does it have on humans? -It said changing the subject.

-None pleasant. -I answered.

I went back to my room and laid down next to the anomaly in my bed, being very careful not to wake it up.


I woke up with a bunch of fur in my face, coming from Mal0's stomach.
She was hugging me so tightly it was getting hard to breathe.
I got out of bed as silently as I could and walked to the kitchen to make some coffee.

I was on my way back to the living room when the doorbell rang and it almost made me drop the cup.

Still half asleep I opened the door, and was a little surprised to see who it was.
A woman wearing a lab coat and khakis.
And as always with a soldier behind.

-You don't know what it took me to get this.. -She said with a smile.

I felt a little uncomfortable being in my pajamas but the woman didn't seem to mind.

-Would you like some coffee? -I asked, walking to the kitchen.

-If it's not too much trouble.
-Oh, and make it black please.

Taking advantage of the hot water I had left over, I made the scientist a steaming hot cup of coffee.

-You're wondering why I came.


-You will see...
-Today we have to take you back to the foundation to continue your talk with SCP-049 but I have decided to come a little early to talk..

-I see.. -I said burning my tongue with the coffee.


-What did I come for? -Said the woman reading my mind.
-You see... 682 asked again for someone capable of solving its doubts.

-And since no one wanted to go there, I decided to offer myself.

I looked at her in surprise.
Who in their right mind would offer to interact with a lizard known for eating people for breakfast?
Maybe the employees of the foundation had a couple of screws loose.

-I also came to tell you that 049 showed interest in seeing you again.

-If I had known earlier I would have practiced my French. -I said, laughing.

I didn't like having to go back to the foundation at all, but I had no choice.

The woman took the opportunity to ask me the questions that she had not been able to ask me the previous visit.
She inched closer, still holding the cup in her hands.

-The physiology of SCP-1471 is very similar to that of a adult human woman.
-Does the appearance of 1471 excite you?


-Have you ever had obscene thoughts with SCP-1471?

I laughed hoping it was a joke.
(How wrong I was.)

I saw a mischievous glint in her eyes as he formulated the next question.

-Have you tried to hav--

-No! -I exclaimed, stomping my feet.
-I don't share your fetishes.
-So stop asking. -I said, drinking from my cup again.

The woman took out a little book and wrote something in it with a black pen.

I wanted to ask her if the sender of the messages from yesterday had any relationship with her, but I guess that would have to wait for now.

I heard the doorbell ring and got up to open it.
There were two guards who required my presence in the 049's chamber.

-See you later, Quentin. -Said the woman with a mischievous smile.

I had a feeling that she would try to ask Mal0 the same questions and that worried me a lot.


Everything at the foundation seemed to move in slow motion, thanks to that damn drug.
I felt so tired that I felt I could fall asleep standing there.

I managed to stay conscious during the second interview with SCP 049.
It was a little difficult to explain the black plague with half my brain not working properly.

But he still believed that his plague was different from the one that had occurred in the 14th century.
He had even said that he was getting pretty close to a cure.

Whatever that cure was, I couldn't tell because I was taken out of the room moments later.


A loud bang woke me up in the car they used to transport me back to the containment chamber.

I kept as still as possible, struggling to even stay conscious.


A deafening shot from the co-pilot's seat almost made me jump.

-Go faster! -A voice shouted from the right side of the car.
-That's what I'm doing! -Another voice answered as the engine sounds grew louder.

-Damn insurgents..

My eyelids were becoming too heavy to open, and I slowly closed them.
The loud bangs were becoming more and more distant, until I didin't hear them anymore.


They dragged me back to the holding chamber, but indicated that they would probably move us as this location was no longer safe.

There would also be soldiers inside and outside the holding chamber, just in case anything happened.

I was too tired to worry about our safety and well being, so I dragged myself to the couch and fell asleep almost instantly.


As always, i'd appreciate if you could point out typos and stuff, still learning english.
Thanks for reading.

(I swear chapters will get longer)

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