One Hundred and Thirty-Eight - Octavia

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Been a while, huh? 

I was nervous as hell when I saw the apartment building. I had left without warning. I had abandoned another daughter. I had abandoned the love of my life. But it was for the greater good . . . I was still telling myself that; that after my short time away, nothing would go wrong. That simply wasn't the case. My surname may be Brock now - as the ring on my finger says - but that doesn't take away the fact that I was a Rowland, and that my brother is still part of a major gang in LA.

No matter what, I had to come home today. Why? Because Rose, my beautiful, youngest daughter, turned exactly nine months. It didn't sound like a milestone, but for me, it was. I hadn't even cared for Gracie for longer than four, if that.

Every step that I took towards that door added a new brick to the wall of anxieties in my own head. Every number that passed made me feel dizzy. Every key that rattled in my hand made my skin crawl.

I got to the dreaded door and stood there for a moment just staring at it. Of course, it hadn't changed since I had left. It was still a black, sturdy door. It still held in any noises made from within. I used to like that however right now, all I wanted was to hear who was inside. Was it just the love of my life? Was my whole family in there? Maybe my entire friend group? I couldn't be sure until I opened the door.

Another deep breath - or three - later, there was a gentle click from the lock and the handle turned. I half expected to see inside a bunch of welcome faces that would grow excited, confused, or angry at my appearance. Instead, I found only one face that felt like I didn't even recognize it. One face that was a mixture of myself and the love of my life.

There, sitting on the floor of the living room was a beautiful baby; mixed race with blue eyes. Her brown hair had grown surprisingly long already, and her smile when she saw my face completely melted my heart. I knew that smile like the back of my hand.

But she was completely alone sitting there. Did that man not learn anything from what I taught him?

I walked forwards slowly, closing the door behind myself and setting my keys down carefully on the counter, trying not to make too much noise. Rose, despite my gentle shushing, let out a cute little squeal as I got closer. She stared at me like Gracie always did: with unconditional love.

"Did daddy leave you alone out here?" I asked her, lifting her from the ground. She hugged me practically immediately; her face buried into my shoulder and her mumbles muffled through my shirt. I couldn't stop smiling to myself. This was what I had fought for. "He never learns, does he?"

I quietly walked to the nursery of the apartment to find that it had changed quite a bit. Toys were new and missing, things were about the floor, the changing table was pulled out from being flush against the wall. Boys. Wouldn't survive without us girls.

Rose didn't object when I placed her in her slightly-bigger-than-before crib. Nor did she object when I cleaned up some of her toys and pushed the table against the wall again. SHe just sat there watching me with an open mouth but still a smile.

"It's been a while, Rose. I'm going to go see daddy." I winked at her.

She squealed of delight as I exited the room, closing the door behind myself then heading towards the bathroom. Pressing my ear against the thin wood, I found that it was dead silent inside, so I moved onto Gracie's room: still silent. Finally, I stopped outside of the bedroom. I waited for a moment, curiously staring at the crayon drawing on the bottom of the door. It seemed to good to be Rose's doing . . . 

After waiting for so long, I gathered the courage to open the door. My movement was quieter than I expected it to be, as I found out when the man across the room from me didn't react. He was pulling a shirt over his head as he brushed his fingers through his hair. I could just about see him in the mirror. Damn . . . he looked good.

A smile came over my face so big that when I spoke, it left a weird tone to my voice. "I told you not to leave Rose alone." He, of course, spun around so fast he moved in a blur. I blinked and he was looking at me. The way his face grew into a saddened, but relieved, expression almost broke my heart.

"Octavia . . . "

"I'm back." I smiled, stepping into the room. "I know I should have- " I didn't get to finish that sentence. Why? Oh, because there were arms already wrapped around my waist holding me tightly against another body and lips against mine. Of course, my body kicked immediately into overdrive as I kissed Colby back with just as much passion. We pulled each other closer; so close. 

I missed this. I missed him. I missed my old life.

At least now, I could have it back.

"I've missed you." Colby said without pulling away. I didn't want him to anyway; I was more than happy for us to just make out until the sun sets. But we had other commitments that we had to take care of such as talking about everything. I couldn't help but wonder if he still wanted me after the stunt I pulled.

I pulled back a bit. "You sure? You're not mad."

"Not anymore." He smiled his signature, handsome smile and picked me up from the floor, spinning me around a couple of times. I giggled during the whole thing until he put me down. That was when he pushed me against a wall with a hand either side of my head. "But you shouldn't have run off."

"I had- ah." I cut off in surprise when he placed his lips against my neck. "I had . . . to do something . . . so that we . . . we could be safe." My words were coming out breathy and light. I wasn't sure whether he could hear me or not.

"But you left me and Rose. And Gracie." He switched to the other side of my neck.

"I won't ever leave again." I promised right there and then. I felt his lips twist up against my skin before he suddenly picked me up, wrapping my legs around his waist, and took me to our bed. I was thrown down onto it before I realized; him on top of me. Holy shit. This feeling . . .

"You better not." He said breathlessly. Only when he pulled back once more so that I could see his face did the full emotion hit me. I just couldn't help myself. I needed him, and I needed him now. So I reached down, grabbed his shirt, and pulled it over his head. He went along with it instantly, doing the same for me before leaning down and playfully kissing my stomach. I couldn't help but giggle.

"I missed this." I admitted.

"Mm." He made his way back up to my lips. Just one, small peck, and I had him giving me those love-filled eyes I adored combined with a little grin. I had never felt so welcomed back in my entire life. "I love you, Octavia. More than I ever realized before."

"I love you too."

Boy, if you knew just how much . . .

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2020 ⏰

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