Thirty-Six - Colby

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Octavia got comfortable against me, lying on me in the back seat of my car. Elton and Corey had switched cars so that they could explain the entire story to Octavia. (This is the story from the third person).

As Octavia was falling, she heard, saw, and felt nothing. However, Colby had caught her. He had started to put pressure on the wound then taken her to the car with Sam to take to the warehouse where they'd find the gang she belongs to. In the meantime, Elton and Corey had heard the scream and followed Colby, running after the man rather than helping the unconscious woman. They caught up with the man, managing to knock him out. They dragged him to the car, where Devyn had moved to the passenger seat. Corey sat in the driver seat and Elton sat in the back seat next to the man. They followed the red car to a warehouse, where Colby took Octavia. After a few minutes, Elton and Corey had the man out of the car. They dragged him into the building, explaining what happened. Once Colby and a woman, Steph, was out of the room where Octavia had been stitched up, a huge interrogation began. First on the roommates, asking about them but then the man woke up. A short beating later, they started asking him questions.

By the time the story had finished, we had arrived at the house. I helped Octavia, slipping her arm over my shoulder and wrapping one of my arms around her waist. She looked at me appreciatively. I helped her into the house, then to the living room. Everyone re-grouped. 

"How are you?" Devyn asked. She sat on the floor beside Octavia, who was laid on the couch. Octavia grabbed her hand. Her face looked tired.

"I'm good, thanks," she said. Devyn nodded.

"You don't seem very shaken up..." Elton said. He clearly was. Octavia's eyes were slipping every few seconds.

"I'm used to it," she said in a yawn. "I'm in a ga..." her eyes started to close, "" then they were shut, "rememb..." she didn't finish the sentence, falling into sleep quickly. I watched her breathing change and her face lightly frown before returning to normal.

"She's never been so vulnerable," Corey said.

"I know" Sam agreed. I agreed, too. She was a fucking badass normally but here she was, lying on a couch asleep from an injury that means people have to help her.

"Can we talk about something?" Elton asked. I looked at him, as everyone else did, expecting some sort of reaction. "You kissed her," Elton looked me dead in the eyes. I'd almost forgotten about that. My brain had completely left the moment our lips had touched. I stayed silent.

"Don't like her my ass!" Corey exclaimed. I rolled my eyes.

"Not denying it!" Sam said.

"You all saw it so how am I gonna be able to deny it?" I asked sarcastically. "Plus, none of you should care," I mumbled.

"No, we shouldn't care that one of our best friends who broke up with a girl who just got stabbed kissed said, girl, the moment he saw her recovery. Nope, no reason to care at all there" Sam said, rolling his eyes. I glared at him. 

"Colby?" Devyn asked innocently. I looked at her. "I don't think she should sleep on the couch, she should have a comfy bed..." Devyn stopped talking. Knowing exactly what she meant, I walked around the couch - which I was standing behind - and, as gently as possible, picked Octavia up. "...and there's nowhere for her to go but your room," Devyn finished. I just nodded, walking Octavia away from the group.

I got to my room, opening it with my foot as quietly as I could. I slowly placed her down on my bed then pulled the covers over her. She looked so peaceful. So angelic. I closed the door and went back down the steps. The group was still in the living room.

"I thought you would've gone to bed," Sam said as he winked. I rolled my eyes. 

"That's so crazy, though, I didn't realise how into her gang she was. Like they all had fucking AK's on hand! And did you see how buff they all were!" Corey started to ramble. 

"Dude, chill out," Elton said. 

"At least Octavia's fine. If she'd've died! Oh my god! Could you imagine!" Devyn said. She looked at me. "We'd never hear the end of it" she joked. I didn't find it that funny but the others did. I understood why they found it funny but I was tired and stressed out.

"We should all go to bed," Aaron said. Thank god.

"Yes, we should, shouldn't we?" Sam smirked. I rolled my eyes again and headed up the stairs last. I said night to Sam before my door was open, just so Octavia wouldn't wake up. I left the door open as I changed into joggers then, only as I had turned my phone on and faced it towards the room, I shut the door. I finally was able to lie down next to Octavia. I pulled her towards me, which she didn't seem to respond to, and wrapped my arms around her. She shuffled around until she was snuggled into my chest. My heart skipped a beat at the same time as butterflies in my stomach started going frantic. I closed my eyes, forgetting the bad parts of the day I just had. Then I drifted into a peaceful sleep.

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