Fifty-Four - Colby

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From what I knew, as soon as we got off this plane and arrived home, there'd be no one there. Apparently, they were all coming at about eight for a party. The plan was that Octavia and I would go home, get ready, go to dinner, then while we were eating the people going to the party would arrive so that when we got back to the house I'd see everyone. We were getting in a cab. Octavia got dropped off at her apartment so that she could get ready properly. When I got home, I realised just how quiet it was. I'd never been at home when no one else was there, not just creepy but weird is what it was. I went straight to my room, unpacking then getting ready in a party outfit. I had no doubt that Octavia would look stunning today, too. I had put on my new ring back in Kansas, in case you were wondering.

I pulled up to her house in the car Sam gave me for his birthday as a thank you for saving his life. About ten minutes later, Octavia walked out of her building, looking at her phone. Then she made eye contact with me. I got out of the car, walking to her. "You look amazing," I said.

"You, too. Where are we off to?" she asked as we began to walk to the car. I opened the door for her then closed it, too.

"Hm, I don't mind, really," I shrugged as I sat in the driver seat and pulled the door shut.

"I know a place," she said.

"Then we'll go there,"


We were about to go into the house for my birthday party. I was turning 22 today, crazy. I turned 21 in this house and turned 20 just before I moved into the house. Soon we wouldn't be living here anymore and that did actually make me quite sad. I put my hand on the handle, simultaneously holding Octavia's, then it opened. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" everyone yelled. All of the roommates plus Kat, Brennen, and a bunch of my YouTube friends - a bunch of them - stood in front of me. I smiled then thanked them. Octavia pushed me to them, forcing to let go of her hand. I did. I hugged some of them, just politely nodding to the others. I noticed Octavia talking to Kat and Devyn but I didn't want to be invasive so I went to Sam, Brennen, and Corey. The music started not long after. Most people started dancing in the living room. I watched as Octavia and Kat forced Devyn onto the floor to dance. Corey and Sam were watching with smiles, too. 

"You picked a good girl, man," Brennen said. I looked at him.


"Obviously you might wanna talk to her about the gang and shit but other than that, good job, bro!" we did a weird handshake making me smile more. One of the guys, I guess not realising who she was, tried to dance with Octavia. She pushed him away effortlessly. I was going to go help but when the guy came back, she got him away, giving him a stern word. "Aren't you gonna..." Brennen started before she had pushed the guy to the ground, "nevermind. Again, good girl," Octavia turned back to Kat and Devyn but caught my eye. She winked at me before she resumed dancing. Brennen was so right.

Soul - Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now