One - Octavia

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"Yo man, what's happening?" I asked as I stormed towards my members. As second in command of a gang organisation, people knew not to mess with me. The first in command was my older brother. We were born into a family of guns, knives, violence, and murder. Now we enjoyed it. The knives I had stashed in my shoe, in the waistband of my jeans and the guns I had also in the waistband of my jeans and an AK that I managed to hide with my duffel bag - which I carried around at all times - told you how much we enjoyed it. Both guns had a silencer. Both guns were made for a secret fight.

"Yo! We got a target" my brother replied. Callum, my brother, was as lethal as me, though I thought of my self as more because I was a woman, people underestimated me.

"Who is it?" I asked. He handed me a fag, which I instantly lit and took a puff of.

"That dick from Niko"

"What I gotta do?" I asked. I wish he'd just tell me without my asking. I had many ideas. It could be one of a few - threaten, wound, maybe even murder.

"Murder" he responded. Blunt. I nodded, looking at the pictures of Ben, the man I was due to kill in about thirty minutes.

"Regular patterns?" Callum's mouth tried to curl into a smile but he stopped it. This was amusing to him.

"The idiot goes for walks every day... sorry I meant night. Damn, he's from a gang, which had rivals, and still chooses to go out at night? Dumbass." both of our eyes rolled. So that's what he was smiling at. Unless you're actually doing business you don't go and hang out in the dark.

"So I only have to catch up with him and..." I prompted him to finish the sentence with my hand.

"Abandoned warehouse, its not far. Drug him, drag him, shoot him, drag him again" one of the easiest jobs like ever.

"K, cool. Got the drugs?" I asked. I knew my brother worried about how much I didn't care about killing propel but why should I care what he thinks?

"Yeah" he chucked a small see through bag at me. There was clearly the small glass bottle and some tissues. This was an easy job. Better than the other job I had recently which took a month of planning.

"This job gets easier and easier" the small bag was inside my duffel bag within seconds. I turned to walk away.

"Octavia?" Callum called after me.

"Yes, Callum?" I turned.

"Be careful" he smiled gently. I reluctantly smiled back at him.

Me and my family were the opposite of close. My parents did beat me but they also taught me everything I knew about guns, knives and tactics. That's all I needed them to do. But Callum, he'd stuck up for me and tried to help when they'd beat me. He was like my father. And he even supported and was part of a gang with me. We loved each other and were the only in the family that did. Sad, some would say.

My footsteps echoed as I walked out of our meeting spot. Most of the gang were there already: smoking - both tobacco and weed - taking drugs in general, target practicing, weapon checking, knife throwing. Anything violent you could imagine was probably going on here. I held up a sign with my fingers as I walked out; our sign. They all returned it, they always did, no matter what.

I picked my helmet up from the ground, attaching it firmly to my head as I walked. Along with tightening the leather I was wearing. My motorbike was just a few steps away. I climbed onto it with my duffel nag sitting diagnolly across my back, not the most comfortable in the world but it was for the job.

When I arrived at the warehouse, I checked around the entire building. I'd been here so many times before. I'd killed people her so many times before. Did I care? No. They were my enemies so they must be killed. No one was around and I'd just gotten a text that scumbag Ben was out and ready for 'pick up'.

I went to the location without a single hesitation. As I walked I prepared the drugged tissue. The moment I saw him I was ready. I slowly followed behind him with the tissue in hand. I approached him fast and hard and suddenly from behind, not even giving him a chance by smashing the tissue onto his face. I felt him drop unconscious so I double checked my surroundings. Nothing. No one. Not even any cameras.

I dragged the fully-grown man's body to the warehouse which was so close I could see through the windows already. This was going to be good.

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