Thirty-Two - Colby

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I had pressed upload about three hours ago. Comments with assumptions popped up but I ignored them. "How bad is it?" Octavia asked. My head whipped up to face the door, where she stood with her phone in her hand.

"Many assumptions" I replied. "Most of them are just asking why I started talking to you again after you 'did something terrible' to me," I stated.

"Great" she mumbled. She closed the door behind her and sat down on my couch. 

"How are you?" I asked her. She looked at me for a few seconds.

"Good. You?"

"Same" I nodded. A few more seconds later, she came and sat next to me on the bed, leaning on my shoulder to look at the comments and tweets on my phone screen. 

"Not as bad as I thought, though," she said.

"No, it's just that they think we're back together" she scoffed.

"Silly fans" we both laughed. She didn't sit up for the next hour or so as we browsed across the internet. She got a bunch of notifications but ignored them all. They better not be my fans attacking her. Every time I'd look at her face, I'd remember what it was like to kiss her, hug her, to be with her. I wanted it back but I couldn't. There's no way she'd come back to me because it could ruin our friendship like it originally had after our breakup. Plus, the internet knew about the breakup, we would get so much backfire if we started dating again.

"You OK?" she asked, I realised I had zoned out while thinking.

"Yeah, sorry. I was just thinking" I replied. She turned her head to look at me, leaving our faces too close for restraint. I gulped.

"What were you thinking about?" so much was telling me to lean in.

"I'd rather not say" she stared into my eyes for a solid twenty or so seconds. Please look away soon... I can't stand this for very much longer.

"Hm... was it me?" she asked. A small, sheepish smile appeared on her face. My heart literally skipped a beat.

"Yes, actually, but nothing weird" I smiled back at her. My door opened so we both looked away. Octavia didn't lift her chin from my shoulder, though. At least we weren't looking at each other anymore.

"Yo ma... oh..."Corey smirked, "did I interrupt something?" he asked.

"No, I'm just watching what he's doing on his phone. We're going through the comments and shit" Octavia said. Corey thought for a moment then nodded. I knew he didn't really believe it.

"Anyway, what do you want?" I asked when he didn't speak again for a second.

"Oh, right, we're headed out in ten for food, wanna come?"

"Me too?" Octavia looked hopefully at Corey, her head piping up.

"Yeah, course" Corey smiled. Part of me was relieved that she was no longer on my shoulder but another part of me died at the loss of her closeness.

"Then he has no choice but to go, too," she said.

"There's your answer, man," I shrugged.

"Yup, see you" we half-waved as he walked out of the room. Good riddance. I'm just kiddingggg.

"You really think he wouldn't invite you, too?" I asked in disbelief. The same sheepish smile from earlier grew on her face, making her glow.

"Well, I just wanted to make sure," she said. Her eyes trailed to her phone. She stared at it a moment.

"Is something going on?" I asked. She frowned, shaking her head. "You sure? You're really reluctant to pick up that phone"

"First of all, proud of you for using 'reluctant' in a sentence... and correctly! Second, I just don't want to see what your fans message me and stuff," she looked at her lap.

"Hey, I'm sure they're not bad" I smiled, though she couldn't see. I gently nudged her hand - extremely tempted to hold it - making her eyes dart up to meet mine. "Want me to look instead?" she nodded. I picked up her phone as she unlocked it. The messages weren't horrible at all, they were all hoping/asking if we were getting back together... that opened my eyes a little bit. They actually wanted us back together?

Soul - Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now