Thirty-Five - Octavia

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My eyes slowly opened. I was in a room with a bright light. Nuh uh. I'm gonna fucking kill Colby when I see him. How could he get me caught and take me to the hospital? Then I noticed a gun in my peripheral vision. Wait, he'd taken me to the warehouse! I blinked a few times then slowly sat up. No one was in the weaponry room with me. I saw a shirt that I instantly recognised as Colby's. It was bloody and discarded on the table next to some equipment for stitches. The pain from my stomach was immense. Nevertheless, I got off of the bed/table/hospital-style bed thing. I walked over to the door. Luckily, it opened silently, so I got to eavesdrop a little first.

Somewhat of a guard stood about two feet away, leaning against the wall near the doorway I was standing in. In the center of the warehouse was a chair with a man sitting on it, tied up. He looked weak and already quite beaten up. "Why the FUCK did you attack one of our members?" The second-in-command, Jason, bellowed. 

"I... was... told to..." he rolled his head around a few times, "kill her," the man said.

"What gang are you from?" Steph asked. She looked intimidating. They continued their interrogation until they shot him and dragged him away. After everyone had returned again, I looked around the room properly. Looking at each face. Steph, Jason, Sam, Colby... wait! Colby! They were still here!

Colby spotted me around the same time I saw him. He ran over to me, alerting a bunch of the member's attention. He wrapped me up in a hug, somehow also avoiding my stitches. I hugged him back instantly. "Hey," I whispered so no one else would hear.

"Hey, you scared me," he whispered back. 

"Sorry" he pulled his head and hands away momentarily, then placing his hands on my jaw either side and pulling me into a kiss. One that made me forget everything. I smiled. And so did he. Two arms were wrapped around my waist rather than my face. I pulled away then buried my head into his chest, which was bare. He kept his arms around me. Someone came up to us. 

"Octavia?" Jason asked. He was the third-in-command, if my brother was around, that is, which he wasn't. I looked at him but kept my head where it was. "How are you feeling?" he asked. Not once did he look at Colby.

"Better than before, thanks" I replied. I didn't want to move away from Colby. He was warm and comforting... and hot, let's be honest. My eyes met with Sam's, noticing the smirk he had. The other roommates had it, too.

"Just wanted you to know, the guy-"

"Has been taken care of" I finished the sentence. Jason nodded. "Thanks," I said.

"Are you going to leave?" Jason asked.

"Yeah, I'll come back when I'm feeling 100%, call me for decisions," Jason nodded again. I looked at the roommates, purposely moving my head from Colby's chest. They understood instantly, making their way over to us. I thanked all of the members then we left, going to the two cars sitting outside the warehouse.

Colby got into the back seat with me, Elton in the driver and Corey in the passenger seat. I wasn't sure why at first. Then it became clear. They explained the story to me.

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