Forty-Seven - Octavia

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"Of course they're nice," he chuckled. I felt insecure for saying it but I wanted to be certain. Was it obvious I'd never met any of my boyfriend's parents before? Let alone their brother and dogs, too. "Come on," he urged, tugging on the hand he had been holding while we were standing on the street. I followed reluctantly. He quickly kissed my cheek then knocked on the door. It opened. 

"Colby! It's so nice to see you!" without letting go of my hand, Colby embraced the woman in front of us. She wasn't as short as most moms and was actually quite beautiful - Colby had to have got it from somewhere. "And you must be Octavia!" she, to my surprise, pulled me into a hug as well. I hugged her back with one of my hands, still holding Colby's with the other. "It's lovely to meet you!"

"Uh, you too," I replied. She smiled kindly. 

"Well, come on in... GAGE! (I don't know the parent's names so I am just going to say 'mom' and 'dad' like that. OK? OK...) 'DAD'! Colby and Octavia are here!" we stepped inside with our luggage. 'Mom' closed the door behind us. A second later, fast footsteps approached. "About time Gage!" 'Mom' exclaimed.

"Hi, I'm Gage," he said, ignoring his mom. She glared at him once then stepped back. He held his hand out to shake, so I did.

"Octavia," I said.

"Oh, I know, trust me. Not only have I seen the videos but this boy right here," he slung an arm over Colby's shoulders, "he won't shut up about you," Gage smirked but Colby glared and pushed him off. 

"Shut up, Gage," he said. They looked at each other for a few seconds. "Missed ya, bro," they had a little hug before Colby turned back to me, pulling me slightly closer to him by my hand. I suddenly noticed a man at the bottom of the stairs; assuming it was 'dad' I walked over to him with my hand stretched out.

"I'm Octavia," I introduced myself.

"I'm Colby's dad," the man replied. I smiled at him then walked back to Colby, who was talking quietly with 'mom'. 


"Dinner's ready!" 'Mom' called up the stairs. Colby and I had gone more or less straight to his room and were just talking about what I'd seen of Kansas, which wasn't much. Both of us got up and walked downstairs to the kitchen, which leads into a small-ish dining room. Colby sat down at a seat so I sat beside him. It was a round table with about six chairs so I hoped the other people in the house wouldn't sit next to me. My hopes were destroyed, though, as a plate was placed next to mine. 'Mom' sat down next to me, smiling widely at me. "Hey, sweetie. How was your flight?" she asked. Gage sat beside Colby and 'dad' beside 'mom'. 

"It was good," I replied. She nodded.

"How did you keep entertained?" she asked. I had a feeling this would be going on for a while.

"I was just talking to Colby,"

"Ooo, what were you talking about?" Gage chimed. He sat up straighter in his seat. He was interested now that Colby was involved.

"Just, stuff. The trap house and that," Colby said, uninterested. Pretty much all of us took a bite to eat at the same time. 

"Booooring," Gage whined.

"Aren't you supposed to be older than us?" I roasted. Colby's smile grew wide and he snickered. Gage had a shocked expression on his face. I smiled too, Colby's was too contagious to resist. 

"She has a point, Gage, leave the girl alone," 'Mom' said. Gage opened his mouth to speak.

"And no, that does not mean you can bother Colby, either," 'Dad' said.

"Then why am I here?" Gage complained. I snickered as well, eating some food to hide it. 

A bunch of questions later, we had finished dinner and was cleaning up. I helped to wash up, cleaning mine, Colby's and Gage's plate while 'mom' cleaned her and 'dad''s. She thanked me as I left, which I smiled at. Colby was sitting in the living room with Gage. They were both on their phones, no emotion on their faces. I sat beside Colby. He immediately wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I leaned my head on his shoulder as he resumed scrolling through Insta.

I heard a click and saw a flash out of the corner of my eye. When I looked for the cause, I saw 'mom' standing in front of the couch with her phone camera pointed at us. "Moooom," Colby whined.

"What? You're sitting so cutely," she said, smiling. I smiled at her, to which she smiled back. "It's too adorable not to document, Colby. Now stop whining," she held out a finger in authority. Colby shut the mouth he was about to speak out of and resumed scrolling again. If only I had such power.

"Can I see it?" I asked. 'Mom' nodded then handed her phone over. It was already open on the picture. We did look cute. "Send it to Colby," I said then looked at him. "Then send it to me," we made eye contact so we both smiled. Gage fake gagged from the other couch.

"Get a room, guys,"

"Shut up, Gage. They were looking at each other! That's it!" 'Mom' said as she sat next to him. Gage rolled his eyes, silently gagging. This was gonna be better than I'd expected it to be.

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