One Hundred and Seventeen

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It's a long chapter, guys...

"Who have you told, babe?" I looked over at my husband for the first time in about twenty minutes. We'd both been quite happy to stay in silence and watch our baby sleep peacefully.

"Only our parents." I noticed the hope in Colby's eyes as he took a mini step forward. I looked between the baby and him then shifted over on the tiny bed. Colby sat in the new spot.

"Have you held a baby before?" I asked him while looking back at the angel in my arms.

"No, not at all." we made eye contact so I leaned forward to kiss his lips. When I tried to look back at the baby, he pulled me back in. I smiled then leaned back. I offered the human being to him, watching the nerves in his eyes. 

"It's ok. You've got this." he took a breath, releasing his thoughts. I gently placed the baby into Colby's arms and he held her well for the first time. Her head and body were well supported. He scanned over her little figure but his gaze landed on her face. The little smile that built up from just the sight of our daughter made my heart melt.

"Knock knock." the doctor said from the door. Colby handed the baby back to me and stood back up. I stroked her cheek again in wait for the information the doctor was about to hit us with. "Usually when babies are born at thirty-eight weeks, they have health problems or are underweight but luckily for you two, your daughter is completely fine! She's healthy and she is able to breathe completely on her own." 

"That's great, thanks." Colby replied for me, knowing I'd gone back into my staring trance.

"Do you have a name for her yet?"

"Yes." I looked up excitedly. The doctor prepared his pen above his little clipboard with all of the baby's information on. He gave me a slight eyebrow raise to tell me it's time to announce it. This is the first time since Colby and I decided on the name that I'm gonna say it out loud. "Her name is Rose Rowan Brock." I told him.

"I still love that name." Colby whispered to me. I smiled but said nothing back as the doctor opened his mouth to speak.

"Both of your parents are on their way up right now so I will leave you to see them. You know what to do if there're any problems." he walked smoothly out of the room. Little Rose. That's officially her name. She's on the birth certificate as Rose Rowan Brock.

"Hello... oh!" my mother's voice filled the room. She let out a gasp at the sight of the little baby still in my arms. Both her and Colby's parents rushed into the room excitedly. "Awe, you did it, honey! I'm so happy for you both!" my mother gave Colby a quick hug followed by a kiss on the cheek for me. 

"Congratulations, guys." Mrs. Brock didn't take her eyes off of her granddaughter. She had such a huge smile on her face.

"Thank you." I shifted up the bed to be more comfortable as the three adults sat down on the chairs in the room. 

"She's so precious." Mr. Brock commented at the soft sound coming out of Rose's mouth while she breathed. His gaze slowly rose to his son and the two exchanged a smile.

"So, what's the name?" Mrs. Brock asked, ruining the boys' cute moment together. I looked at my mom to tell them the answer.

"Rose Rowan Brock." my mother's eyes watered as I expected them to at the sound of the name. She said nothing but gave me a gentle hug, as to not squish the baby. 

"I haven't heard Rowan in years." she wiped a tear and sat back down.

"I apologize for insensitivity but who is Rowan?" Mr. Brock questioned while leaning forward in his seat.

"My father... he's not alive anymore." I replied. Rowan Rowland. You can't write these things. He was a huge deal in the gang community and he had four weaknesses: his wife and his three children. The only things he's ever cared about since he was a child. I used to have that mentality, too, but since I've experienced having friends and falling in love, I found it easier to care. No way is Rose ever going anywhere near a gun or weapon, though. I'll have words with Callum since he taught Gracie some things. 

"Awe, honey." Mrs. Brock's eyes were full of pity and care. I just smiled and shook my head to get her to rid the pity, at least.

"I've told Emily and Callum; I hope you don't mind. They'll both be here with Gracie and only Gracie in about two hours." my mother told me. I looked up at Colby, then, finding him to already be looking down at me.

"Why don't you pass Rose to your parents?" I suggested to him.

"Oh no! No! The grandmother on the mother's side of the family should hold the baby first!" Mrs. Brock exclaimed. 

"Are you sure?" my mother questioned her, confused. Mrs. Brock nodded with the sweetest smile I'd ever seen. Colby gently held the little baby Rose in his arms and carried her, ever so carefully, to my mother. Mom hadn't looked so happy since she held Gracie. Mr. and Mrs. Brock had very similar reactions: huge smiles and not taking their eyes off of the little human being. Eventually, she was given back to me and the three adults left, Colby walking them down to their cars. I was left to admire my new daughter.

"The doctor said you and Rose can be taken back home tomorrow, babe." Colby announced upon his entry to the hospital room. "She also needs to eat in a moment so a nurse will be here soon." he sat down on the chair right next to the bed happily. 

"That's fine, thanks, Colby." he was only able to smile at me before there was a knock at the door. 

I know yall want Gracie and Rose to meet so let's get to that, shall we?

"Hey, sister." Callum appeared in the doorway. I smiled over at him, the baby still in my arms. He stepped inside eagerly to meet his new niece. Emily also followed him with Gracie holding her hand.

"Mommy! Is that sister?" Gracie pointed to Rose as she tilted her head curiously. I nodded with a smile, patting the bed next to me. It was only seconds until the girl was with me.

"Would you like to hold her?" I asked. Gracie's eyes glistened in excitement. My short glance at Colby allowed me to see the slight worry on his face. "Now, you've never held a baby before so I'll help you out a little, ok? Don't move when you're holding her, either." I instructed. Rose was newly asleep once more. She'd been awake but not had her eyes open. I was dying to see her eyes.

"Ok, mom." I placed Gracie's arms in the right position and placed Rose in them. Gracie stared intently at her with a smile on her face. She mimicked the facial expressions, making me smile at the sight. 

"Congratulations, guys." Emily gave me and Colby a hug. Callum just stood awkwardly in the corner now. I finally got to give Emily Rose after almost half an hour then Callum got a hold, too. I knew he loved her: I could see it in his eyes when he had her in his arms. It was something I'd never seen so much in him. He's happy. Has something else happened that's changed him ever so slightly?

Everyone, including - though it took a while to convince him I'd be ok for one night - Colby, left me and Rose in the hospital. The staff let her sleep in a blanket pile in a crib in the room with me and I appreciated that so much.

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