Thirty-One - Octavia

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"Nah, you did not actually see him!" I exclaimed.

"I did! Your brother was at an abandoned place during the tour! I saw him clear as day but he didn't see me" Colby replied.

"No way!" he nodded. I cut my eyes at him. "Are you pulling my leg?" I asked.

"No, honest"

"Then why wasn't he in the video?" I challenged.

"Because I had the camera and the moment I recognised him I made sure the camera didn't see him" he shrugged.

"OK, sure. I'll ask him later" I said. We sat and talked for a little while longer. Then I decided now was the time. "Hey, Colbs?"


"Do you forgive me?" I asked. We locked eyes. He thought about his answer for a long time.

"Mostly..." he mumbled. I nodded. "The only reason I don't fully forgive you is that..." he sighed, "I just didn't think you'd do something like that, ever. I didn't realise how into your gang you are and I'm completely... mostly OK with that, but we were your friends, even when you did it, so the idea that you did that... I wasn't sure, still, aren't, if I can trust you"

"Well justified" I smiled. There was a knock at the door, capturing both of our attention.

"Yeah?" Colby called.

"Hey, it's Sam. Is Octavia here?"

"Yeah" I replied. Sam opened the door.

"I had an idea for a video, probably for Colby's channel but it's to... actually I'll tell you downstairs, you down?" I nodded. We entered the living room where the roommates were.

"What's your idea?" I asked. Colby stood quite close behind me; I could feel his body heat.

"I have six's that Colby did and I thought it'd be fun for you to recreate them" my smile grew wide.

"Please tell me they're the cringy ones" I begged. Sam nodded with a smile of his own. "Hell, yeah. That's gonna be fun" I walked over to the camera that was already set up. Colby stood next to me.

"Hey WHAT'S up guys, it's Colby Brock, and today, we have a special guest, Octavia. Since this is the first video she'll be appearing in since the breakup, I'm gonna quickly say that no, we are not dating again. We're just friends" he glanced at me. "Sam has found six cringey's that I did on my own and Octavia is going to recreate them". I had so much fun with it. Somehow when I did them exactly the same, they didn't seem so cringey. (Btw, I tried to get the videos of the specific's I wanted on here but I soon figured out you can only have photos or YouTube videos. So... I decided to watch through a half-hour compilation to find the exact minute and second of the's I wanted. Ready? OK. )

1. 1:56 "Slow motion"
2. 2:27 "Don't forget"
3. 12:31 "Piss off your parents"
4. 21:51 "Tornado"
5. 23:52 "American Apparel"
6. 30:07 "Welcome to hell"

"You're so cringey" I yelled. I was laughing so hard especially at the fifth one. 

"You wanna see something worse?" Sam whispered in my ear. I nodded. He showed me another (17:10) where Colby winked at the phone.

"Dude!" I laughed. "Oh my god wait, what is this?" (23:25). "I need a minute," I said. I walked outside to calm down, checking my phone in the process. Nothing was there, as usual, so I walked back into the house.

"Bro, you sure you're not dating? " Corey asked. I stayed around the corner so that they didn't see me.

"Yes, I'm sure, Corey. We're just friends" Colby sighed.

"Didn't look like it. You literally looked at her like she was still your girlfriend. Not just once either" Sam said.

"Shut up" Colby complained.

"Nah, bro, do you like her again?" Corey asked. A short moment of silence.

"No," Colby replied. Part of me died because of that but I knew we were never getting back together anyway.

"Pfft, look at her like that one more time, that's what you'll do," Sam said.

"Shut u..." Colby started.

"What are we talking about?" I called, inserting myself into the conversation.

"Just YouTube," Aaron said.

"Cool, outro?" I asked. Colby nodded.

"Thank you guys so much for watching if you enjoyed then smash that like button. If we can hit... 50,000?" everyone nodded their heads, "then we'll bring Octavia back to do some more recreations" Colby said. I nodded because there was no escape from that now he'd said it on camera. "Comment down below what you want to see and I will see you guys next week p-"

"Peace!" I cut him off. He looked at me and smiled then turned off the camera. I glanced at Sam to see him smirking in Colby's direction. Poor Colby, he's gonna be teased forever now.

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