Twenty-Eight - Sam

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Kat had seen Octavia's video the moment it was posted. We pulled it up on the big screen and watched together as a house.

"He genuinely changed me as a person, refreshed my soul, in some ways, I guess" Colby's face hardened and he tensed up a bit.

"You guys have seriously changed my life and I'm grateful for that, Colby, Sam, Kat, Devyn, Corey, Elton, Aaron, and the dogs. Thanks so much for putting up with me for about six months, and thanks for an amazing month of being together and a wonderful birthday party. There's no way I can express how much I appreciate it." she said. Katrina and Devyn and Corey were tearing up. A few tears escaping some of them. Colby's jaw had clenched but he continued to watch nevertheless.

"This video was supposed to be like a few minutes long and I wasn't supposed to cry but I guess those two things are out the window, huh? Goodbye roommates, goodbye dogs, goodbye Colby. Thanks again." I watched Colby stare at his crying ex-girlfriend that just spilled her seemingly non-existent-up-until-now heart out on Instagram.

"I don't know how to respond to that" Corey said, wiping tears from his eyes. Colby messed with his hair and sunk into the seat. 

"Colby?" Devyn asked. She wiped some tears away herself. He looked at her. "Why did you break up with her? What did she do?" 

"I'm sorry, I have to give her the courtesy of not telling people, Devyn" Colby replied. We'd made a pact not to tell anyone and we intended to keep to it.

"I had no idea we'd made such a big difference, wow," Kat said. She wiped some tears from her face.

"Would you take her back?" I asked. I had secretly started to film. 

"Wh... uh... I... n... probab... no..." hesitation = lying. I looked at him seriously.

"Come on, I know what she did and I also know she is completely different to when that happened," I said. Kat looked at me quickly.

"You know?"

"Yes," I replied. "Come on, would you take her back?"

"Probably not" he replied. That's better than no. 

Soul - Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now