One Hundred and Twenty-Three

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After some messing around, we were able to mess around even more. Rose was with Mr. and Mrs. Brock so Colby and I decided to be in a TFIL video. We went to an amusement park. I mostly stood in the background with a camera or just generally being calm, unlike the madmen.

Colby and I got onto the ride we'd made Corey and Elton sit at the top of for the past few minutes. (instead of Sam. You know what's coming if you've seen the video). Long story short, I noticed them leaving. I held the GoPro and looked around.

"I actually don't like this." Colby mumbled. I lowered the camera as I looked at him. "Like, I'm genuinely freaking out."

"It's ok, babe. It's alright, just breathe." I noticed his breathing getting faster and his face going paler. "Baby. Baby, it's ok. It's ok. Babe? Breathe, ok?" when nothing was working, (pretend this is possible for me) I kissed him. As cliche as it was, when I pulled away he was breathing normally. "Focus on me, babe. Can you do that?" he nodded as he continued to stare at me.

"Yeah. I can do that." I smiled and placed my hand on his face. "I can definitely do that." he kissed me this time so that our eyes were closed and he could focus his mind on something that's not 'We could be flung onto the highway' or 'This ride could break down while no one's here'. "How do you do that?"


"Keep me calm like that." I just smiled at him, us still being at close proximity.

"Must be a gift." I shrugged with a smile still on my face.

"I love you so much."

"I love you, too, Colbs."

"Yet you still call me Colbs." I giggled at his slightly annoyed expression then kissed him again. "Ok, maybe I don't mind that much."

"Mhm." we started moving then. I saw Corey, Elton, Jake, Sam, and the worker standing with amused expressions. "You guys are dicks." I said when I was next to them. I remembered that the GoPro was still rolling so I turned it off.

"What ya talkin abouuut?" Jake somewhat teased. I straight glared at him around the worker taking off the belt.

"I'm talking about the fucking panic attack you gave Colby. Sam, you know how those can go." Sam turned serious at the words.

"Elton. Camera off. Now." he demanded. "Mind letting us talk, dude?" Sam asked the worker. He backed off to go inside. "You ok, man?" he put a hand on Colby's shoulder.

"Better." I avoided looking at Colby's face because I knew I'd smile. "Lucky she was there or I would've gone into full fucking panic-mode."

"I'm sorry, bro. Good news, though, the GoKarts are really fun." Elton said. I bit back the smile from his words.

"What have you recorded?" Corey motioned to the GoPro still in my hand.

"The whole thing. I forgot I was filming, to be honest." I handed the camera to Elton, who nodded appreciatively.

"I think we should mess about a bit more." Sam suggested. I simply nodded my head and took Colby's hand.

"Actually, you guys do that. I need to talk to Octavia about something real quick." the group walked away without any hesitation or questioning. I turned to Colby with a frown, not knowing why he wants to talk to me.

"What's up, babe?"

"Listen, I know it was a month ago and I'm just dwelling on things but I also know I don't spend enough time with Rose." I opened my mouth to say something but he shook his head. "So, I'm going to spend some time with her over the next week. No one but the three of us. Then Gracie moves in with us so, at that point, I'm going to have another week but with the four of us. Sam sorta knows and we have stuff filmed anyway."

I wrapped my arms around his neck to have an excuse to be close to his face."I swear you're the best dad ever."

"I doubt that." his arms slipped around my waist.

"No, I don't know. Most guys/dads just blow off everything 'their girl' says but you listened, felt guilty, then did something about it. Dad and husband material right there." Colby smiled. I kissed his lips for barely half a second, then for a second, then for a few.

"We should probably get back to everyone, though." he said. I sighed with a nod and pulled him in the same direction they'd gone in. Sam had a, what looked to be, disgusting smoothie thing in his hand. I simply shook my head and continued to watch more in the background. 

In the video, Elton added a little clip at the end with the titles 'ON THE RIDE, COLBY STARTED HAVING A PANIC ATTACK... THESE CAN GET QUITE BAD AND MAKE HIM REALLY SICK... BUT, OCTAVIA WAS THERE TOO... LOOK WHAT HAPPENED NEXT' then the video of what we said and everything. Fans od our relationship are gonna love that.

Soul - Colby BrockOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora