Sixty-Nine - Colby

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We all heard a noise from downstairs. All but Octavia, that is. "What was that?" Corey asked loudly. 

"Corey, shush. Octavia's still asleep. We don't need to wake her," I hissed. 

"Let's go in the other room," Sam whispered. I gently placed her head on a pillow then joined the guys next to the stairs.

"What the hell was that?! I'm freaking out!" Corey exclaimed.

"It sounded like the elevator!" Sam realised.

"Let's check it out!" Jake went running downstairs. 

"But... what if someone's down there?" Sam asked.

"What if someone isn't!" Corey countered. We rushed down the steps.

"It's open!" I exclaimed. "The door's open!"

"Was it closed?"Sam asked, confused.

"Yeah, remember? Jake had to slam it!" Corey started to tug at his braids.

"Are we sure?" I asked.

"I don't know!" we were so confused. "I want to believe we left it open but I remember Jake slamming it!"

"Yeah, I sort of remember it, too," Jake agreed.

"Jake, you remember basically nothing you do," I stated truthfully. He chuckled quietly.

"True," he nodded.

"Let's search every room! Right now!" Sam exclaimed. I searched most of the bedrooms. Nothing. Not one thing was anywhere. Not one sign of anyone. We were chasing after nothing. We met back up in front of the elevator. I took the camera.

"Guys, we didn't really get to explain what was happening. So basically we were trying to kill some time upstairs and watch some Family Guy when we hear this loud thud come from downstairs and we ALL think it's the elevator,"

"Yeah guys and Octavia is asleep upstairs so we don't want to disturb her," Corey added.

"Let's think about this, the door was - we're pretty sure - closed when we went upstairs. It is now open. We heard what we all think was the gate in the elevator upstairs. We all followed it, searched the entire downstairs, and found nothing? What the hell is actually happening?" Sam questioned.

"I don't know," I mumbled. We started bouncing ideas off each other. Nothing was conclusive. Nothing made any sense. Then we heard a scream from upstairs. "OCTAVIA!" I exclaimed. She doesn't scream because she was scared... she screamed because she's trying to get our attention. I ran upstairs. "Octavia?!" upon entering the living room, I saw she wasn't there. "Octavia?" I questioned. I was so confused. "Octavia where are you?" I called. The others arrived.

"Where's Octavia?" Sam asked.

"I don't know. She wasn't where we left her," I rushed around, searching the entire place. The guys helped. We were all calling for her.

"Is this a prank?" Jake asked.

"It has to be!" Corey exclaimed. "People don't just disappear!" 

"Octavia?!" I was freaking out. Where was she? "Guys I'm really freaking out," I said truthfully.

"Where could she actually be, though?" Jake reasoned. "We didn't hear any doors like the hotel ones or anything, just a scream. You ran at the speed of lightning and she wasn't where she was before. There's no trace of her! Think realistically!"

"That's right!" Sam said. "There's no way she could have left the room yet there's no way she's still here."

"That's like... some matrix shit right there," Corey said. I looked around hopelessly. 

"I am so confused," Sam looked around with me.

My heart could have pounded out of my chest. Where the fuck is she? This could NOT be a prank but I refused to accept that it's a reality. There's no way I've lost her... no way...

Soul - Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now