Eighty-Two - Colby

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The media was going crazy over the new that Octavia had been not only arrested but in jail for at least a month while awaiting trial because she couldn't be bailed. My bed felt cold without her and the apartment felt lonely. That's why I spent so little time inside it. I spent an hour talking to her at the station then I would go somewhere; anywhere that made me feel less sad. Sam's was a common place to go to or Corey's as there were always people around. I wasn't necessarily sad, though. Yes, I missed her so so much but I knew that after this month, after the trial, she'd be back with maybe a fine or community service to do.

Today was another day that I was going to Corey's. Brennen was joining me and so was Sam, Kat, Jake, and Reggie. "Hey, man," Corey said after our bro hug.

"Hi," I replied. Everyone sat on the couch and we talked for a hell of a long time. I knew that Callum was in a worse position than me, though. He was not only having trouble with missing Octavia, but he was missing Faith, too. They seemed so heartless and cold when we first met them, all of them. Even the other gang members. I guess they act that way because the minute you get them to talk to you, they show they're true colors. Those true colors are a mixture of happy, bubbly, crazy emotions that make you fall in love; or Octavia made me fall in love with her. 

Callum was nothing like I expected. He was truly a sweet guy and he showed his caring side with Gracie, which I loved to see. She still called me 'dad' all of the time, which I was completely fine with. Callum was one of those people that put up so much of an act, that their normal personality feels like the act.

Gracie was Gracie. She was sweet and always asking if I was ok rather than letting me ask her. It was her mother in jail, after all. I was worried that Octavia would have to have her birthday in jail. I didn't want her to turn twenty with a bunch of strangers around her. I wanted her back in general. I also didn't want her to be in jail for our one year, which was looking like was gonna happen. Hell, it was May and both her birthday and our one-year was in July. If she didn't get set free with a fine or equivalent, she'd spend both of those things in prison. 

Kind of a filler part but I'm working on another right now!

Soul - Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now