Three - Octavia

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When Ben woke up I walked over to him. "Hey pretty boy" I said with my mask on and a deepened voice. He was confused. I walked a small distance away. Then, just like that, I pulled the trigger of the gun I had aimed at him. His body fell to the side. Blood spilling out. I went to pick him up but accidentally dropped him.

I dragged his body until I got to the hole in the floor where I stored all of the bodies from this place. No one knew it was there but me, and it was very well hidden. The moment I'd dumped his body, I headed for the exit.

After a second or two I reached the door into the main room. As it creaked open, I saw four men. My hand instinctively reached for the gun that now sat in my waistband. It was behind my back so they wouldn't see. I froze. I didn't know what to do. Jo one ever came in here.

"Are you cops?" I called. A moment passed before one of them, we'll call him beard, stepped forward.

"No, and you're not either?" he asked. I didn't know what to do right now. Guess I'll just have to play innocent.

"No" I replied.

"What are you doing here... alone?" the fear in... bun's voice and face made me smile. I liked being feared, it made me feel powerful.

"I like..." shit what was a good excuse? Well, for one these guys aren't a threat. I let go of my gun, resting my arm by my side. "I like exploring. This place is pretty high on the 'places nearby' list" that sounded good. I think.


"What's your name?" Blondie asked. That was brave of him. I was ready to knock his head off but knew that was just one more body.

"I'm sorry I can't tell you that" and that's the goddamn truth. If Callum knew I was even talking to you lot right now I'd be in trouble, no doubt. "What are your names?" doesn't hurt to be able to track them down.

"I'm Elton" was he stupid or messing with me? He was either smart enough to try and build trust or he was dumb enough to just offer up his name. "This is Corey, Sam, and Colby" they awkwardly waved St me as though we were in elementary school and I was their new teacher.

I felt my phone vibrate. I knew full well that being here much longer would end up with Callum sending out a search party. These guys would be slaughtered.

"You shouldn't be here" I saw their shock and fright. They looked at each other, unsure of what to do.

"W-why?" Corey... no I preferred the nicknames... bun asked.

"You just shouldn't. There's a lot of bad people" including me so stop pissing me off and follow my instructions you dumb fucks. I saw their suspicion.

My phone vibrated again.i had to answer the message. Quickly but surely, I pulled my phone out. As expected, Callum was getting worried. I told him I'd be back at base and that I had a small set back but the job was done. He accepted that.

"Are you OK?" the one that hadn't spoke yet, Colby, asked. He was going to be... Bieber. I almost laughed right there and then. He looked sympathetic, as though I was a damsel in distress.

"Yes" I said through gritted teeth. "Why wouldn't I be?" his expression didn't lighten. Not one bit. I hated being the one that was vulnerable. I started to walk past them.

"Where are you going?" Beard asked. I ignored him.

"Miss?" Blondie said.

"Are you sure you're OK?" Bun said. Bieber didn't bother. I jumped quickly onto the window sill, dropping down outside. My motorbike was right in front of me. I pulled on the helmet as the guys reached the window. I turned to sit on the bike, hearing a gasp. Shit, the gun.

My head whipped around. None of them moved. "Please, can I have your number?" Bieber asked. I cut my eyes at him.


"You said you like exploring, maybe you could feature in a video with us one time" he smiled. I frowned then walked to the window, holding out my hand. A phone was placed in it and a number, my number, was then typed on it.
"Thanks" I ignored him.

Finally I sped off. I don't think they actually saw the gun, they're too incompetent.

Soul - Colby BrockTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon