Forty-Eight - Colby

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We had decided to watch a movie to 'celebrate' Octavia and I's arrival. Speaking of, Octavia laid in front of me on the couch, lying on her back with her head turned towards the TV. I was lying on my side next to her and, because I can, snuggling my face into her neck. She didn't seem to mind all too much. My arms were around her waist and our legs were crossed together in a few places. Mom, dad, and Gage were on the other couch. My parents sat close together while Gage sat on the opposite end. Ha, poor boy. The movie kept going, and Octavia kept staying perfectly still. I wasn't sure if she was asleep or not, after all, I could only see her neck and part of the TV: I'd seen the movie before so I wasn't that interested. I found out for certain, though, when she shuffled so that she was facing me and snuggled up. I smiled but stayed still. The half-hour left of the movie flew by in seconds. I especially stayed still when I heard the credits rolling.

"Awe, look at that!" Mom's voice said. I heard Gage fake gag.

"Shush, Gage," Dad said. "He's finally happy with someone, don't ruin it for him,"

"Exactly. Have you seen how different he is? He's so much more like he used to be. He's finally happy because of Octavia, I mean, just look at them! If you ruin this, I will personally kill you and I'm sure Colby will, too," Mom hadn't given me a lecture like this since I moved to LA what felt like ages ago. 

"Sorry, Mom," Gage said. It was so sarcastic I don't think even Mom would be fooled but she seemed to ignore it. 

"Colby, sweetie?" she said. I stayed still. Hopefully, they'd leave us alone to sleep on this couch. "Colby?" Mom sighed. "Octavia? Octavia?" I heard Octavia hum quietly. Dammit. "Octavia, sweetie you fell asleep. Wake Colby up and you two can go to bed, OK?" I felt her nod her head as she yawned then sat up. My one arm was left hanging loosely on her lap and my other was left discarded across the couch. She managed to untangle our legs then stand up. 

"Colby?" she whispered. "Colbs?" I left her to say my name a few more times before I reacted, putting on a show of waking up.

"Yeah?" I asked 'sleepily'.

"Come on, let's go to bed," I sighed then sat up. 'Rubbing my eyes since I'd just woken up', I stood up from the couch and, genuinely, stretched. 

"Night lovebirds," Gage said as we began to exit the room. I opened my mouth to reply but Octavia beat me to it.

"Night, biatch," she said. Then she was gone up the stairs. Gage sat with his mouth hanging open in shock. I shrugged at him then followed behind her.

When I entered my room, she was already lying in my bed with a shirt of mine on. My suitcase was left open in the corner. I smiled, changed into joggers, took off my shirt, and climbed into bed beside her. She rolled over to face me, shuffled to be next to me, and snuggled into my side. I wrapped my arms around her then shuffled even closer if that was possible. I could quite literally feel her body through her/my shirt. The body heat was welcome, though, as I fell asleep very quickly. 

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