Sixty-Two - Colby

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"Every time you scare me, I have an urge," I said once we were alone in my room. Gracie was asleep on the couch downstairs. 

"An urge?" Octavia questioned.

"Yeah, an urge to make out with you," I pulled her to me, kissing her. I felt her smile. Eventually, I dragged her to the bed, making her fall backward and me having to climb on top of her. She was smiling widely. I kissed her again. Fair to say 'stuff' happened...


I woke up with my arms wrapped around Octavia again. Luckily we'd locked the door: I say luckily because we weren't exactly wearing many clothes because of last night. I got up, getting changed then knelt down by Octavia's face and kissed her. She kissed back, putting a hand on the back of my head. I slowly rose, being pulled, really. She pulled me onto her but stopped kissing me after about five minutes. She hadn't even opened her eyes yet. She got out of bed. Naturally, I watched. She got changed then beckoned me to her. I walked up to her as she wrapped her arms around my neck. "Guess I should get in trouble and scare you more often, huh?" she said smiling. I chuckled. 

"Come on, let's check on Gracie," she nodded. A flash of realisiation crossed her face. When we got to the bottom of the stairs, we saw that Gracie wasn't where we'd left her. In fact, she wasn't downstairs. "GUYS!" I yelled. All of the roommates came downstairs. None of them with the five-year-old. "Any of you see Gracie?" I asked. Octavia was looking around every room downstairs. She ran upstairs only to come down two or so minutes later. She stepped out the front door then through the back door. She disappeared a few times from view, searching the entire backyard. With no luck, she went to where Gracie had fallen asleep in the living room. She noticed the paper at the same time I did. I rushed over to her, not caring about the other roommates. I saw the note before she crumpled up the paper and threw it across the room in a rage.

'I said you'd both regret that.'

Soul - Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now