Eight - Colby

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I rolled onto my side, trying to get comfortable so that I could sleep again. I lay there for a short while, not doing anything, just existing. I realised that there was a sound that was always there. Confused and curious, I opened my eyes. The brightness of the room was too much at first but as my eyes adjusted, I saw a figure. Finally, I could see... someone in a mask? SOMEONE IN A MASK.

I sprung up. "What the hell are you doing here?" I asked. She didn't look worried in the slightest, leaning back in her seat while examining the large dagger she held.

"Sit down, pretty boy" she'd deepened her voice. There was no way I would ever be able to recognise it.

"No" I said. I cut my eyes for all the good that'd do. She stood up. I couldn't see her face but based on her breathing, she was angry.

"Sit. Down" she snapped. Something about her posture. Something about her voice. It frightened me. I stumbled backwards. This was a fight or flight for many reasons.

"Du..." Sam started.

"Sit with your friend" she snapped at him. Scared just as much as me, he sat down. I exchanged a glance with him. Is this a prank? It had to be, right?

Seconds later, a man walked into the room. "Time to go" he grumbled. They both hid their voices so well. These weren't amateurs. These were professional. She sighed.

"You got everything, Cactus?" she tilted her head. He nodded. "Then see you around" you could hear the smile in her still deep voice. They both strutted out of the room.

Sam stood up. He peered out the door for a few moments. "They're not there, come on" he whispered. We rushed down the corridor, down the steps. By the time we got to the front door, a car was speeding away - the licence plate hidden from us.

"Fuck" I muttered. We started calling for the others.

"Elton!" Sam yelled. He laid on the floor on his side. Blood clearly pouring from his head. We ripped off the gag then untied him from the rope. "Are you OK?" Sam asked. Elton nodded.

"Dude, we see the blood" Aaron suddenly said from the staircase behind us.

"It doesn't matter, call the Police. We need to report this" he said. He had finally sat up.

"COREY. DEVYN" I yelled. I only just realised they weren't with us yet. Both of them came bounding down the steps.

"Elton!" Corey yelled. Devyn gasped.

"Hi, yeah. Someone has broken into our house..." Aaron said. He began to walk around in stress. Who did this? Who would do this? That man. That woman. Whoever they were. They were sick bastards.

Soul - Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now