Eight-One - Octavia

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I danced with Faith for most of the night. We were pretty drunk but I was so in love with Colby that even my drunk self turned away every single guy who approached me at the club. Even drunk Faith kept the guys away: I knew exactly who she liked and I was one hundred percent on board with it. 

Most the guys we turned down would go away but a few would keep trying to persuade us. Usually, a good threat would make them leave, though. I was having a good time and really enjoying myself when a guy came up. I ignored him at first but he grabbed me and pulled me to him. I pushed him away instantly, frowning and shaking my head. He tried again.

"Dude, get the fuck away: I'm not interested," I yelled over the music.

"Don't be stupid. I'm hot as fuck. Every girl in here wants me," he rolled his eyes.

"Wrong because neither of us wants you. Go hit on someone else," I scolded. 

"Stop kidding yourselves. Whoever you're refusing to cheat on isn't worth it. They've already cheated on you tonnes of times because that's what guys do."

"That's what some guys do," Faith came up behind me. "Our guys aren't like that. You're kidding yourself that you're even somewhat cute," she rolled her eyes.

"Oh, please," he dismissed us with a hand. "Both of you WANT to come with me. Now, let's go back to my place."

"Bitch, get the fuck out of here," we said at the same time. I high-fived her but the guy took the small moment of weakness to pull me back into him. I, once again, pushed him away. "I already said to leave, now leave," I said.

"And I already reminded you that you're kidding yourselves, girls," Faith socked him in the face: guess she's had enough. "Fuck sake," he pulled her into him, now, making her dance with him. I pulled her away and punched his arm. "Girls!" he exclaimed. Some people around us had noticed what was happening. He tried to pull us both in so we continued to push him away. When he managed to kiss Faith, she kicked him in the nuts then started beating the shit out of him. Not gonna lie, I joined in. 

**********          **********          **********

I woke up in the holding cell. My hand was still holding Faith's and my back hurt. I sat up, cracking every inch of it. At least I hadn't taken my weapons to the club or I'd be in so much more shit. I squeezed Faith's hand and got a squeeze back. We locked eyes then both sat up.

"Fuck," she complained.

"Tell me about it," I agreed. The women around us were mostly smaller and looked meaner, but we were definitely the worst mother fuckers in the room. A policeman noticed I was awake so he walked to the cell, opening it then pulled me out. Faith tried to stop him but I just went with it. He took me to a phone booth.

"One call," he said. "Make it worth it."

I typed in Callum's number and waited patiently. "Hello?"


"Why aren't you using your phone?"

"I got arrested."


"I need you to come to the station."


"I know, I know. Please? Faith is with me."



"I'll be down in about ten minutes, hopefully. You two are so dumb. It better have been a good reason."

"It was."

"I'll find out when I get there, won't I?"

"Thank you, Callum."

"It's nothing," I hung up and walked back to the officer. He took me back to the cell where he offered Faith her call but she declined since I had called Callum: hopefully, he'd be able to get us both out. We talked quietly while we waited. I noticed a familiar man walk through the door and passed the cell. We made eye contact then he started talking to the woman behind the counter. I saw a lot of headshakes. I noticed the anger growing on Callum's face. Shit. He took a breath and turned. 'I can't get you out' he mouthed. 'Capped'. I knew what that meant. We couldn't be bailed out because our bail was above the cap. SHIT. Colby's gonna be pissed. Speaking of, he walked through the door and saw Callum immediately. They talked for a few moments when he saw me.

**********          **********          **********

"I'm afraid since you cannot be bailed out, you will spend the next month in jail in wait of your trials," the officer said to me and Faith. For some reason, they were allowing us to stay together throughout this whole thing.

"A month?" I asked and the man nodded. Faith and I exchanged glances. 

"Well, we're fucked," Faith concluded. I gave her a short glare.

Later that night, we were lying on the uncomfortable twin beds across the room from each other in those orange jumpsuits you only see in movies. Well shit. This is bad.

Soul - Colby BrockOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz