Sixty - Colby

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Octavia had stared at the door for a few seconds after Gracie was gone. Then she basically collapsed into my arms, hugging me. "It's so hard to say bye," she whispered.

"You're seeing her tomorrow, for a full day, though," Kat said. 

"I know, it's just hard. You don't realise it when you're the child. You don't realise how much it hurts to see them walk away,"

"It's OK," I whispered, engulfing her in a hug. She sighed in contentment. 

"She's so heartwarming, adorable, charming, so many words. She should go into social media, you know," Sam said. He'd put the camera down. 

"I know. I'm just doing whatever I can to keep her away from what my life was as a five-year-old. Did you know that was the first time I killed someone? I was five. Her age. I don't want this for her. She has more of a soul than I ever had. She can't slip into the trap I fell face-first into," she explained. The others walked away, then. I tried to speak but she lifted her face up and kissed me. It took me so much by surprise that I stumbled backward, leaning on the wall for support. She held it for a good ten/twenty seconds. I wasn't counting. My mind had fogged in a very good way. She pulled away, leaning our foreheads together. "I'm sorry, I just really needed that," she looked into my eyes.

"It's fine," I smiled, pecking her lips. A smile grew on her face. "I love you," I whispered. Her eyes seemed to sparkle suddenly.

"I love you, too," she whispered back.


I woke up, wrapped around Octavia. She was sleeping peacefully next to me so I closed my eyes again. I often went back to sleep if I woke up first, then she'd think she wakes up first every day. She shuffled a little, only getting somehow closer. I could now feel her breath on my collar bone. I was sort of dreaming when I felt a body land on the border of our bodies. My eyes shot open and I saw Octavia's do the same. Gracie was just sitting back on the end of the bed. "Gracieeee," Octavia whined. She stayed snuggled into me.

"What? We are going out today remember!" Gracie exclaimed.

"Yeah I remember but I'm with Colby right now so..."

"Oh right! Hands off!" Gracie tried to peel my arms from around Octavia but I held her tightly. Octavia smirked.

"No, Gracie. You're not stopping my cuddle time with my boyfriend," Octavia said. Gracie huffed, sitting back. I smiled triumphantly, hiding my face in Octavia's neck and closing my eyes.

"Chop, chop, lovebirds!" Sam exclaimed as he walked in. I ignored it. And so did Octavia by the sound of it. "Guys! Gracie is waiting,"

"I don't care," I mumbled. "I want to sleep,"

"Same," Octavia said a little louder than me. She sounded sleepy as well. "Gracie, go play with the girls or something. I promise we'll go out but right now, mommy's tired," Gracie huffed but left. I pulled away from Octavia, leaning over to lock the door. When I cuddled back up to her, she pulled my face to look at her. "You're coming with us if we go anywhere. Knowing Gracie, though, we'll just hang around here," she said. I nodded. As I was about to look away to go back to sleep, she pulled my face up, our lips meeting. "You're not getting away that easily," she mumbled. I smiled, climbing on top of her.

"Wasn't planning on it."

Soul - Colby BrockМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя