Chapter 31

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First day back to work from my break has been actually decent. I have took more patients this morning than I would have took in one day. I have squeezed a lot of patients in. My colleague has been holding it down here, but I need to get back in my bag.

I sat in my office sitting eating a quick light lunch since I was starting a workout and change of diet this week and I needed to eat light for lunch. My phone starting ringing and I looked down realizing it was the twins school.


"Hello, Mrs. David. This is Dr. Barber, Armon and Armonie David's principal"


"I was calling to inform you of Armon. He got into another altercation at school. He hit another student and bit the child as well"

"What do you mean another altercation?"

"We usually inform the primary contact which is an Ahmaud David, father. He didn't answer this time so I called you since you are the secondary contact"

"Yes ma'am. I understand" I said calmly.

"I was just calling to inform you. Armon has been removed out of the classroom for today only. The guidance counselor would like to talk to you when you pick Armon and Armonie up from school today if that is okay. Also, their father might want to be in this meeting as well"

"Yes ma'am. I will be sure to make him aware. Thank you" I said saying my goodbyes and then hanging up. I took a couple breaths before getting up to pace my office.

Again. A- fucking- gain. This man changed our children's contact information. Both Ahmaud and I were the kid's primary contact. The secondary contact was Lillian. Obviously, there has been some altercations and problems that Armon has been having at school. I should be made aware of these things. I took a deep breath as a knock came to my door.

"Come in" I said sitting back at my desk.

"Mr. Larson is ready for you Dr. David" one of my dental assistants said coming into my office.

"Okay. I will be right there" I sent a quick text to Ahmaud telling him to meet me at the kids' school.


"Marissa.. Imma be a slightly late coming home... well later than usual. I gotta meet Amaya at the twins school" I said pulling into the parking lot. I seen Amaya waiting on the curb with her glasses on. She only wears them when she is stressed and has headaches.

"But why?"

"I don't know. Some meeting I guess"

"Alright well... I'll see you when you get here"

"Alright" I said hanging up.

"Hello" I said walking up to Amaya. She didn't say anything as she turned on her heels and walked inside. I sighed following her.

"Hi, I am Amaya. Armon and Armonie's mom. This is their dad. We have a meeting with the counselor" she said to the secretary.

"Yes. Let me get her" she said disappearing down a hallway.

"I can't believe you Ahmaud. Honestly" she said calmly refusing to look at me. I think she knows why else would we be at the kids school.

"Who is picking Ava and Jaiden up?" I said ignoring her statement.


"Hello" A bubbly lightskin woman said walking out. She looked young, but not too young. She probably in her thirties. "I am Reina Scott. I am the guidance counselor. You can follow me to my office" she said leading the way. "Armon and Armonie are in the gym. We allowed them to go to the afterschool program today while we talk. Have a seat" she said once we got to the office.

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