Chapter 28

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"Baby you okay?" Malik said softly to me. I know he was trying to be sweet, but the shit wasn't working. Dr. J said I was too dilated to get an epidural so I was feeling each and every pain that came to me.

"No nigga" I said gritting my teeth and holding the side railings of the bed. "I should have never had sex"

"Amen to that one" my dad said coming into the room and holding my hand.

"I'm sorry dad" I said closing my eyes as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"It's okay babygirl. You gotta be strong for me and you gotta be a big girl now sweetheart" I nodded opening my eyes to see my mom walking into the room.

"Oh baby. I'm sorry. I had to drop off your siblings" she said. I reached out for her. My dad moved so she could sit in the bed next to me.

She comforted me as much as possible before she and Malik had to go get prepped for Labor and Delivery. I would have had my dad in the room, but he is my dad. I don't want him seeing these things. This is really happening. My babygirl will be here today. Who would have thought this would be happening to me. I am 16 and about to be a whole mother. I am about to raise a whole human being by myself yo. I don't think I can do this.

I closed my eyes as I was rolled to a different room with Yasmine holding my hand. She could go as far as the doors to the floor and she wasn't leaving my side.

I thought about the dream I had last night...

I walked through this house. It was familiar, but I can't really decipher it all the way. I don't know if it was my house or my uncle's.

"Hello... Is anybody here?"

"I'm here" QJ said appearing into the living room that I was in. My eyes began to water at the sight of him.

"What are you doing here? How..?"

"Shhh..." he said walking over to me and brushing my hair out of my face. "You can do this you know. You are going to make a great mother"

"I hope you aren't mad that I took the name Malani from you"

"No. I'm not mad. I am honored that my god child will be named after my all time best name. Thank you Ajarie. I love you"

"I love you too Quincey" I said reaching out to give him a hug, but he disappeared as quick as he appeared.

I was awoken by another pain hitting me. I tried to go back to sleep to get even another glimpse of him, but I couldn't.

"This is my stop Ajarie. I love you bestfriend. You got this. Don't be discouraged while you are in there pushing my niece out. The fight starts now" she said putting her forehead on mine. "You better not stop fighting for that little girl. I don't know how much pain this will be, but I do know that I love this baby and I love you. Good luck mama" she said wiping my tears away.

"I love you Yas" I said in between my pains. She backed up and allowed my nurses to wheel me through the door.


"Malik. I'm only going to say this once and once only. I will never say this again. You better be the best father to this little girl. It's not about you anymore. It is completely about Malani. She should forever and always be your number one priority. Having a child means there are no more selfish thoughts. You can't just say, especially since you are still in high school, "imma just go to this game or go to this party cause Ajarie got the baby." No you will be there with her okay. Ajarie will forever and always be the girl to not ask for help. She will need it no matter how many times she says she is okay. There will be times where she will fall in a depression or may not want to be bothered. Stay by her side. If you guys happen to break up for any reason, do not leave this baby. If you have thoughts to cheat on her, break up with her. She might not feel like herself after the baby, so she may not want to induldge in sexual relations, but do not cheat on her that will make her feel worse. This is my baby now y'all have one of your own. Don't ruin it" Mrs. David said as we got dressed in scrubs and began to walk to the room that Ajarie was in.

"I won't ruin anything. I promise"

"Imma forever hold you to it" she said rubbing her hand on my back.

Scared is an understatment to describe how I feel right now. It was all fun and games until this time came. We were just horny teenagers having sex and now I was about to be a father. My daughter. My first born was about to enter the world. I was only 17, but I know I am capable of taking care of her and giving her the best life that I can give her. I have willing parents and Ajarie has a whole willing family. I will continue to play ball and clean my dad's doctor's office for money. If I have to get another job, I will just to make sure my girls are taken care of.

"When we go in here, she is going to be super scared. I know you are scared too, but encourage her and hold her hand" I nodded as we stepped into the room. Ajarie's previously straight hair was in it's natural curly state sprawled over her face. Her doctor was washing her hands and putting on gloves. There was an incubator waiting in the corner. I took a deep breath and walked over to the bed.

"You want me to record any of this?" I asked her. I know that some people like to record for memories.

"No. I will remember every moment of this pain" I nodded holding her hand.

"I delivered you and now I am delivering your baby" the doctor said sitting on the stool in front of Ajarie. "Listen to me and this will go smoothly. Daddy!"

"Ma'am" I said looking up at here.

"Mama here is going to yell and scream and do whatever she needs to do to get this baby out. You will stand by her side and don't let her stop fighting. Grandma?"

"Yes J"

"Keep her going"

"I will" she took a deep breath.

"Mama. We will push on the contractions. You will push as hard as you can. Push like you pushing out crap. Don't worry about anything but pushing during that contraction. Hold your knees and push with your core. Don't push unless I say push. No matter how much of an urge you feel to push. Get ready because a contraction coming." she said quickly.

"Hold your knees baby" Mrs. David said. Ajarie grabbed her knees and pushed as hard as she can.

"Don't stop babe. You doing good" I said into her ear. I hate that she had to bear this pain while I just stood here being helpless.

Ajarie was in actual delivery stage of her labor for an hour before Malani was here.

Malani Brielle Wright.

April 30, 2018


Honestly.. i missed this book :)

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